Chapter 12: The Attack - Part 2

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We storm the base! We take out the guards. Wilma in wolf form and me in human form fighting with a steel sword, 'lupus ferrum'. I aim for the foot so the guards won't follow us. These guards only have daggers. I don't know why the wolves didn't use this sword before. 

Most the guards are taken by surprise and are easy to disarm others are harder those we bring with use to test the traps. We came in with 60 people now we're at 55 but only because of the traps not loss of life.

We get into the head room We walk around carefully. Then -- dozens of cages fall down on us. Trapping me, my family. And 21 other werewolves. I look around for anyone to see if there's a way to escape.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." an unknown, British and dark voice says. 

I see flashes of fur around the cages. Someone must be running in wolf form. I look to try and get a better look at them. Finally they stop. Another one of the Big Bads. He's wearing a dark suit with red stripes. 

"My, my! Where are my manners my name is-" he begins. 

"You're King Timmore! You enslave Big Bads like all of your other ancestors." Wilma yells through the bars of her cage. 

"Send them to there cells!" King Timmore says. When I'm passing him as the guards bring me to my cage he snarls at me and mutters something like 'you're no queen'.

I get to my prison cell. I sit down not knowing what else to do. Then I see someone in the cage beside me. I know who it is immediately. 

"Dad!!?" I ask. I reach out for his hand and he holds mine. 

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