Chapter 9: The Queen Test

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On Saturday (the next day) Wilma came over with the crown. It was made of twigs anf flowers. It was pretty and not that big.

"Are we ready?" Wilma asks seeming sorta confident and nervous at once.

"Sure" I say even though I'm unsure. I know if I don't do this now I never will.

Wilma slowly placing the crown on her head. When it is placed on her head nothing happens. Tears stream down her face. She shakes her head, take off the crown and holds it in my direction. I take it. I guess I'm hoping we have a triplet and she's more worthy. I start to put it closer and closer to my head. Then I feel it fly out of my head even though I didn't drop it. A blinding light covers the room. I cover my mouth to hold back a scream.

The light fades slowly. I hear Wilma gasp and I open my eyes. I try to take off the crown hoping it'll get off my head but it doesn't. I look in the mirror. The crown is perfectly on top of my head. In awe and cower of what the mirror just showed me I step, I trip but I keep trying to move backward.

Wilma is crying and in shock she looks away. I put the hood from the hoodie I'm wearing on to cover the crazy truth that I'm the next werewolf queen.

Wilma looks at me and shakes her head. She turns into wolf form and leaves I close the door. I numb all emotion, even slight bits of joy. I shut the curtains too.

I enter school Monday. Hood up covering the crown. I know at the end of the day today the crown will finally come off. It's a relief but it remimds me of the throne I will have to ascend to one day. It's already loose but not enough to shift it off my head. I get home that day.

I take off the hood almost forgetting of the crown. I hear a gasp. I think it's Wilma still in shock, but it's not.

"Willow! Your the queen".

I look up at my mom. I wasn't ready for this. I fall down in shock. I feel the exact same urge to scream but this time I do scream! I'm surprised!

"Mom!?" I ask not knowing what to do.

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