Chapter 8: A queen is me?

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Me? I felt like a boulder had just been placed on my back. I felt like the world froze. This was crazy! More than crazy, it was insane!! Me, a queen!?! I felt on the verge of having a heart attack. I wasn't usually someone to stress over things. I thought myself to quite rational. But right now i felt my heart beating out of my chest!! I just almost got these werewolves, that are supposed my kingdom, killed!!

"I-I-I-I" is all I could muster up the courage to say. 

"And everyone knows it! I'm not a queen!!" Wilma says with tears spilling out of her eyes. 

"No!" I yell. That's all I have to say. 

"I don't even wanna live in the werewolf world!" I add. I pinch myself just to make sure I'm awake which I am. I shake my head. 

"Wait how do we know this for sure?" I ask calming down. 

"There's this prophecy" Wilma begins, "it says that the the true queen out of twins will always be the one to know of the both worlds (humans and werewolves) and will able to stop the fighting when least expected." Wilma finishes. And now I'm fully convinced. I stomach feels like a pit. My limbs feel like jello. 

I begin to pace around the room with my hands in fists. I am now totally speechless. Later me and Wilma then witch back clothes but it feel like our lives with now forever be switched. With me now the werewolf heir and Wilma somehow destined to be the extra!

I don't care about homework or school anymore. I'll tell the school it's a family emergency which it totally is. I feel almost depressed but I finally capture the big picture! My dad (and Wilma's dad) is or was a werewolf king. Then I wonder if Big Bads may have had something to do with all this. 

I think of only one thing right now, how I would fight the Big Bads if it was the last thing I'd do! They were the only ones with answers! Answers I needed more than life itself! I know I am taking this way too over the top but I needed to! There was no turning back!

Wilma calls me on my bracelet that I totally forgot about until now.

"Hey" she says. I roll my eyes at her. Then fell that pit and my stomach again knowing I was treating my own sister differently because of this made my stomach feel like it was tied itself into a knot

"Hey" I force out.

"There's one way to prove for sure your thee true queen or not." Wilma says. I sit up, curiously.

"The crown. It glows on the head of the true ruler. If they're coronated it stays stuck in their head forever if not coronated it glows and sticks on their head for only 3 days" Wilma adds. I don't think about the last part. She had me at 'glows on th head of the true ruler'.

"Okay" I answer let's do it. We both smile and she ends the call.

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