Chapter 7: Humans vs. Werewolves

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We have to go but I plan for them just to watch and tell that she is okay but I can only hope no one will be hurt.

When we get there we see the science classroom we see Wilma there she notices us and nods telling us that she is okay. But then another kid sees us and screams pointing at us. The wolves are not upset and ready to fight.

"Guys!" I yell, "Willow is inside if she's nice to us they'll think she's crazy and send her away." I lie calmly.

"They are attacking us we must fight back" a werewolf argues noticing the police getting closer to the doors that lead outside.

"If we leave they won't attack." I answer.

The wolves growl in response clearly upset by my reason. The police opening doors they have guns!

"Let's leave" I whispering hopefully loud enough for the wolves to but quiet enough for the police not to hear. The lighten their growls and back up. Wilma fidgets in her seat, obviously on edge by all of this. She walks out and tells the police that the wolves (aka us werewolves) might feel threatened and don't want to fight. The police nod but don't lower their guns. 

Wilma POV:

I feel my eyes flashing yellow and brown as I want to be in my wolf form more than ever. As you might've guessed going wolf calms me. But if I tried that the police would go nuts. I can't risk that!

Back to Willow POV:

I nod to the other werewolves telling them to stand down and back up. They stop growling and carefully back up. There is so much tension that it seems large cloth surrounding us all trapping us in the moment. No one here wants to die. We all have families, homes and lives. We slowly retreat. We back up about 3 feet and the police lower their weapons. Then one wolf runs up to a policemen growling and biting. The police men points the gun. The wolf back up again. Then we all run retreating. Knowing the police will now be on high guard and not afraid to shoot. 

After we get back to town I tell them I'm checking on Willow at home now that it's 4 pm. So I run home about 10 feet away I switch back into human form. Wilma is there in my room. 

"So" I say entering, "how'd it go today?" I continue. 

"Fine I mean I didn't get to see mom that much but I didn't hate it either." 

"So I think it's time to switch back." I add eagerly.

She nods but doesn't look at me. She looks sad maybe even on the verge of tears. I don't think she looked really sad it was probably twin-tuition or something.  

"What's wrong" I ask taking a seat next to her, "Please tell me".

"I-I'm not the queen" she says with no emotion, "you are" she adds looking at me. 

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