Chapter 3: Werewolf Legacy

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"We have come to help you" Luma says. 

"We also need you to help us" Leo voices. 

"Speak as the wolf." Luma says. 

I decide to try thinking of how a wolf would say 'who are you?!' and the words come out in regular English. 

"It takes practice" Leo explains, "as do many other things that come with being a werewolf princess" he snickers. 

"I'm a werewolf princess?!" I ask astonished. 

"Yes" Luma says like it's obvious, "King Sam never told you".

Sam is my father's name so that makes me more weirded by her saying this. 

"My father was a werewolf king" I say thinking this all aloud. 

"Mm-hm" Leo says impatiently. "We the Savers have been at war with the Big Bads for centuries. We really need another royal on our side" he rushes to tell me. 

"Like the Big Bad Wolf?" I ask hoping they'll be impressed. 

"No duh" Luma says rolling her yellow wolf eyes. 

I feel dumb even with all my wolf knowledge. This is too much, I know it is.

"I have to go" I say. And with that I feel my eyes turn back brown, then it becomes easy to speak English then I'm human once more. 

I head back to school, I've been gone for an hour my fourth class with probably start by the time I get back. I have English. It's revealing after speaking that much wolf. Most people don't even learn wolf in their life! I speak fluently!

Then it occurred to me that if I am a werewolf which I am then I'm not human. Everything I know is wrong. There's magic and werewolves in the world! Everything that Luma and Leo said struck reality and started heavily breathing then I fainted. 

I woke up in the nurse's office with a ice pack. My head wasn't too bad but the ice pack helped. I was better. I still was in shock but I was probably out for like 2 minutes. 

"Thank goodness" the nurse says realizing I woke up, "you were out for 4 minutes thought you might've hit your head" she adds. 

"No, I just uh felt a little light-headed I guess." I answer knowing I should probably not tell the school nurse that I'm a werewolf just in case she thinks I'm like crazy or something. 

"Can I go back to class?" I ask. 

"Sure honey, just take this" she gives me some pain-relievers in a small container.  "Just in case your head starts hurting again" she adds. 

I nod and walk to 5th period also known as library class. The teacher doesn't she me slip in. So I take my seat and get out the first book in my bag. 'Wolf instincts' it says. No I prompt myself no more wolf stuff. I take out another book called 'Twelve Dancing Princesses' I think I just have it because I was shy and didn't want to all wolf books so I got this one so I think I'll read it. 

I read one chapter then the bell that tells us it's time for lunch rings. I usually get a pizza but an instinct (probably a wolf one) tell me to get meat. I get ham and the breakfast-for-lunch bacon. The cafeteria lady eyes me suspiciously as I buy my food. I'm a dollar short but they understand my situation and give me a lunch card so I can get lunch for free. I thank them and walk out of the cafeteria. Lunch is an hour so I go to this park about 5 minutes away. 

Then -- then I saw her. Someone I knew would change my life forever even before she said a word to me. 

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