Chapter 10: The secret is out

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"Wilma, y-you're the q-queen??" Mom asks.

"How do you know about the werewolves" I ask astonished. I don't know why mom is home early either but that is the least of my worries. I put my hood back up.

"How do I know about werewolves?" she repeats laughing. "You think I married a werewolf and had a baby with him while not knowing where he was from!?!" she responds.

"Do you kniw about Wilma" I ask without thinking.

"Who's Wilma" Mom asks. I look away  I don't know what I'm supposed to say.

"Honey" Mom says sternly.

"She is--- she's my twin" I retort.

"I had another daughter" Mom asks stunned.

"Y-yes?" I mutter.

"Where is she?" Mom questions. I try to call Wilma on my bracelet. I eventually tap it twice and say "Wilma". It works.

"Ugh, I'm jealous not I'm just busy-" Wilma begins she then sees mom.

"M-mom" Wilma asks, "y-y-you know?" she finshes.

"I do" Mom says.

"I'm coming" Wilma says. She ends the call. We wait for her in silence. My mom has never been easy to read but now it's harder then ever to do. I try to guess what she's thinking but deaw a blank. We wait it gets to about 6 pm. The crown finally comes off I throw it out the window not caring.

Later about 7 pm Wilma comes I opeb the back door. She steps in. I gasp! Her clothes that are usually picture perfect are ripped and dirty with blood and dirt!

"What happened?!" I ask. Mom comes into my room and gasps too.

"The wars are starting again" Wilma gasps. She then faints out of breath. I try and help her up, she's breathing but barely. Me and my mom help her onto the bed. My mom tries CPR on her and it works but she's too weak to talk. Mom and I feed her some chicken and her face visibly livens up. She falls into a deep sleep.

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