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cabin rain

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cabin rain. melody knew that she loved it the second that she heard it and was that glad that it resonated so well with who she is.

currently, nina is showing the counselor pictures of her dog while dahyun is unpacking her suitcase. "isn't she adorable?" the excited 14 year-old asks, showing the older female more pictures of her puppy.

"yes, she really is."

dahyun laughs from the other side of the room, "come on nina, she's seen every picture in there. you should really start unpacking. it's the opening campfire tonight!"

"fine, fine." nina agrees, getting up to unzip her backpack herself. after spending time with them, melody has learned that the two are best summer camp friends who have vowed to come back every year and become counselors together as well. seeing their friendship makes melody so happy, but also makes her wonder would could've happened had she been able to stay for the entirety of summer camp in the past.

after hearing a knock on the door, melody calls out "come in". two boys stumble into the room, and she recognizes them as the same ones that introduced themselves at the table before.

"ladies! how are you?" the taller one announces, arms spreading out wide as he makes his grand entrance.

"daniel~" they say in unison, giggling at the boy's antics. melody can already tell that he's the type of boy everyone loves. just look at him, he's a ball of energy. well, an incredibly tall ball of energy.

"look ni-ki's here too!" daniel bubbles, pointing to the boy entering from behind him.

"hi dahyun." his eyes seem nervous and tense as he quickly glances at nina, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red as he notices her staring back at him. "h-hey n-nina!" the boy stutters out with a squeal at the end. he hesitates for two seconds as she flashes a pretty smile at the flustered boy. she is about to respond when the poor boy malfunctions and hastily squeaks, "now, i have to, uh, go water my, uh, socks. bye!" and with that he's out the door and running back to his cabin.

dahyun and nina share a look with each other before shrugging and going back to their tasks.

melody approaches the remaining boy as she hears him muttering with a very, very serious expression on his face. "it's almost as if he has a crush on someone...if only i could figure out who."

melody chuckles at his monologue, adding on an "if only."

"it was nice to finally meet you!" the young boy responds, animatedly shaking her hand.

"you too! and i'll see you at the campfire later so i'm sure that'll be fun as well."

"it will be. well, i guess i should head back. don't want to worry my counselor." daniel smiles affectionately at the girl. "also he said hi!"

"tell him i said hi back, then! see you later, daniel!" melody replies, though a bit confused by geonu's intentions.

"bye bye~" the boy waves as he walks away, continuing his inner monologue. "he's so old-fashioned. why did he send me all the way here? i'm not a dove or something..."

melody just laughs at the cute young camper's inner thoughts.

melody just laughs at the cute young camper's inner thoughts

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