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My back aches, specifically the lower part of it. I stand in the elevator, muscles relaxing after being on my feet for 8 hours straight. I put my legs together and reach for the warm yellow light as the elevator hums moving to the ground floor.
Working in a hospital wasn't half bad for a freshman in college, besides the hours are flexible. I walk out of the elevator as the doors slowly slide open, they really need to upgrade that thing... the autumn air bitch slaps me in the face. I pull down the pale blue face mask and take a deep breath, fresh air was more than welcome.
It was 11:30 pm on a Friday night, my body felt warm and my fingertips buzzed. I have the whole week off after tonight and quite frankly I couldn't wait to have the weekend to myself. Nothing is better than being holed up inside with a pc playing Minecraft or dead by daylight or whatever my PS4 has to offer.
I walk across the parking lot passing my car, practically twirling into the small bakery right across my job. God fucking damn this bakery, I'm telling you I would beat someone with my shoe for a cannoli from here. And the coffee? Even better.
The thing that drew me to the bakery the most though, was not only the fact that this fine establishment was open 24/7 but that the people never changed. A constant flow of regulars with an occasional newcomer, the customers around this time practically knew each-other like friends almost but not quite.

The familiar chime of the bell sounds above me as the smell of freshly baked muffins fills the air. Blueberry I think. I stuff my hands into my pockets and walk up to the counter, a women in her 40s looks up and smiles. On her, a pale yellow apron over a black t shirt and jeans. Warm and welcoming as always, wise with streaks of grey in her hair scattered slightly.

"Good evening madam!" I bow to her jokingly and raise an eyebrow. "Fine October evening we have tonight."

"Good evening (y/n)" she laughs whole-heartedly, the embodiment of a chocolate chip cookie in my opinion. "The usual?"

"Yes please." I smile sheepishly

"Ok as usual, heres hospital discount too" she swipes my card and winks.

I put the card away and sit on one of the high chairs waiting for my coffee and chocolate muffin.

"Wow they have really outdone themselves this year" I mumble to myself and scan the bakery. Fake spider webs and Halloween stencils hang from the ceiling. On every table a tiny glowing pumpkin center piece. From behind the cash register, a small compact fog machine that pours fog over the counter with lights strung across the front of the counter to accompany it. Cutouts of cartoon zombies in each corner of the bakery really putting the whole screen together.

I close my eyes, nothing really bothering me till I heard a familiar voice, one of the regulars. Eyes still closed, I tune into his conversation, something I've done with all the regulars here before. I hear his voice two chairs away from me so he must also be in the high chairs.

"What- no man we aren't doing that again come on." He pauses, I assume he's on headphones. "No we've already done two parts to that series. We aren't doing hunters again. No- wait no I won last time fair and square against you Nick and Bad.... I don't care if it got good views, Minecraft manhunt gets stressful, do you want me to be stressed George? Are you going to pay for my stress therapy?"

"Y/n?" My eyes open and I get up to get my order from the counter.

This time when I sit back down I sit one chair closer to him. He has dirty blond hair bordering brown, tall but not lanky. He's on a nice looking laptop YouTube is open as he rubs his temples.

"Fine. But this is the last time. Only cause we promised everyone though and we did meet our goal. Anyway don't you have school soon? ... yes I did remember time zones are a thing.....cool we can get on a little earlier today and just chill for a bit before we start recording?.....Ok cool just call me when your done with your things or whatever....Ok cool bye man." He clicks out of a call on his laptop and takes off his headphones, sighing.

He looks at his coffee cup, now empty and slumps back into the chair. He takes a moment to hold his breath in and exhales again after a second.

I turn to him and smile with an eyebrow raised "Minecraft manhunt?"

He looks over a little startled, must not have noticed me. "Uhm- yeah it's a game, some friends and I do some live streams" he motions aimlessly to his laptop looking back at it. His eyebrows are furrowed.

I bring the coffee to my lips "hmm, interesting, on twitch?"

His mouth opens a little, shocked in a way,"yeah actually- Do you play any games?"

"Some horror games on ps4 and Minecraft on pC actually ever since I was 11, crazy to see how much it's changed over the years"

He smiles, "definitely...hey I don't think I ever caught your name"

Right...I forgot to introduce myself. I turn my body facing his "oh it's (y/n)!"

He turns to face me as well " oh! (Y/N) good to officially meet you, I know we see each other all the time but I know we never officially met. I'm Clay by the way." he smiles and sits up straight. " Hey,I just ran out of coffee, and I noticed you did too just now, coffee on me and you help me figure out video ideas in return?"a nervous smile.

Butterflies, he's actually kinda cute... "yeah for sure I got time to kill actually"

I said my goodbyes two hours and three cups of coffee later. My phone screen lighting up with clay's new contact.



Clay: this was a nice change of pace, maybe we can do this again some other time or play online?

Y/n: yeah ofc, i have off this weekend actually, I'll text you tmmrw though cause I gotta drive home and feed my cats and it's super late now

Clay: shit sorry to keep you up but yeah feel free to shoot me a text whenever :)


I drive home to bass heavy songs and butterflies in my tummy.

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