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I lock my apartment door behind me and rush down the brick stairs, the sound of my shoes hitting the ground echoing throughout the dimly lit staircase. There it is again, the electricity flowing though me, though my arms and legs and fingertips. luckily it wasn't too hot tonight, mostly humid but its something you get used to when you're in Florida. I see dream parked across the street and close the glass door behind me.

"Wait I didn't actually think you were being serious about getting dressed up nicely!"

I run around to the other side of the car and get into the passenger seat. "oh so you think I look nice?" I turn to him and glance over his outfit, it's a white hoodie that appears to have a small smiley face printed across his chest in black, his Minecraft skin. Skinny jeans with sneakers and some green accents along the design. "What are you talking about?" I raise an eyebrow and smirk at him, specifically smirking at the tint of pink dusting his cheeks. "You look great!"

He laughs playfully and starts driving, "I'm glad you think so, but really, you look nice" dream keeps his eyes on the road but I notice the soft smile he gives me, it makes my heart dance just a little.

We've gotten to know each other as friends for a little bit of time now. Which honestly has been great! He's funny, caring, always owns up when he's wrong, he has a way to calm you down and make you feel like everything is okay... especially when you feel like the world is collapsing on you...

"Y/N?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts and turn to see dream chuckling and glancing at me. "You ok? Something on your mind?" He turns down the radio ready to listen. Another thing I've learned to admire about him.

I feel my face heat up,"no- I mean yeah- yeah no I'm fine! I'm just wondering why we didn't talk sooner, I really had wanted to yknow?" I lean my head against the window, fogging it up with a huff and drawing a frown face.

"Well you're not the only one" dream huffs out almost pouty.

A small smile plays at my lips, " Oh really?" I poke his face feeling the pointy stubble on his cheek when I do.

He clicks off his turn signal and swats at my hand, laughing lightly. "I mean yeah! At first I didn't really notice you there, I would mostly be busy with Nick and George trying to make sure they didn't fight each other like little kids, even though we're friends they act like little brothers fighting over toys or something."

"oh really? I havent noticed, especially not after that last stream George had and Nick was basically beating him down the entire time, by the way poor George I actually felt really bad."

"I made him genuinely apologize after the stream ended, he felt kinda bad too so it wasn't that hard to do, but yeah, you seemed a little intimidating when I first noticed you not in a bad way though, you just always looked stressed "

"HA! joke's on you im always stressed." I snicker and flick his hood.

"hey! I just mean I didn't want a complete stranger blowing up on me is all, you're so scary when you're tired" he shivers for effect.

"am not!...ok maybe just a little..."

"besides I think you approached me just fine, we're talking now aren't we?" he parks the car and looks at me fondly before cracking a side smile. "I really did mean it when I said you looked nice by the way"

I blush, "you do too, also where are we?"

He snaps out of the moment and pulls the key out of the car before turning to me with a wicked grin,"Get ready to get your ass kicked at lazertag Y/N."

I run out of the passengers seat, and shut the door behind me, grinning just as wickedly, "oh you're on pretty boy!"

We race inside, surprisingly pretty even once we get to the door which dream shoves open with all of his force.

We come to a halt at the front desk, an older man at the front of the counter swipes through his phone idly while propping up his chin with one hand.

"Are you sure this is laser tag, it seems pretty empty..." I turn to dream unsure.

"that's because most of the people are already inside" He walks up to the counter and pulls out his wallet, "two please".

The middle aged man with brown hair looks up from his phone and sets it down,"alrighty two tickets coming right up, couple's discount is tonight too, you kids lucked out."

My face turns a deep crimson as I stutter and attempt to regain my cool, " oh no wait we-"

"didn't know that!" He cut me off and put his arm around me to pull me close. "babe you never told me they did that!" he smiles politely and thanked the man after he swiped the card.

We walk away and I run a hand through my (hair color) hair, face as red as ever. "what was THAT!"

"Don't tell me you were gonna turn down a good discount" He says nonchalantly but little did he know, I can feel my heartbeat in my fingertips.

"Well it is your money after all, don't let me tell you what to do." I smile at him, enjoying the fact that he still had his arm around me, I wasn't going to say anything of course, I liked the warmth he gave off.

We push through two heavy pitch black curtains and walk into the main waiting area, I take a moment to soak it all in. were under a dome in which there are glowing planets hanging down from the ceiling, the ceiling is decorated with faintly glowing stars. around the edge of the dome there are LED lights around the border, tiny yellow lights alternating switching on and off, the main area in front of us has a space themed food stand to the left and an arcade area to the right. past the main area, a hallway with 8 different doors all labeled with the name of a planet.

in the center of the main room, a cylindrical screen in which arena scores are shown, I turn to dream and look into his grayish green eyes sternly, " I am so utterly pissed that you found out about this place before I did."

Laugh bubbles out of his chest and makes my heart melt just a little, "Well in that case, I'll let you chose which arena we get to play in!"

"wait but dream, this isn't fair im so bad at laser tag you're gonna kick my ass." I pout.

"what happened to that competitive spirit back at the car?" he raises and eyebrow and smirks.

"No that was before I actually considered it though."

"no worries y/n, I'll go easy on you, besides we'll be on the same team so its a matter of who gets more points, which in that case get ready to lose~" he winks at me and walks ahead of me, leading me with his hand.

My lips curl into a sinister smile because I have the advantage, Dream doesn't know that Im a laser tag god.

Lay here with me (dream x reader)Where stories live. Discover now