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I get home and sigh. My cats run up to me purring and needy, obviously more concerned about getting fed rather than me getting home safe. Typical.

I throw my zip up over the back of one of the wooden kitchen chairs, luckily it doesn't get too chilly here. The smell of sweet coffee starting to fill the air, somewhere in between video ideas and challenge brainstorming I was able to convince clay to try a caramel macchiato. He called it diabetes in a cup.


I look at my cats. "He actually isn't as mean as thought he would be" I stick my tongue out at them and in response they walk away. I plop down onto my couch coffee in one hand, remote in the other. The small beep from the PS4 sounds as the light slowly wakes and hums to life.

I idle on sims for a while, mind buzzing with events through today. It's usually my go-to game when my mind is too busy to concentrate on games that take a lot more mental effort. Clay has been a regular for as long as I can remember. To be fair, I've only been going there for around a year. He always sits in the same spot, his order changes here and there but every time I see him he's always on his phone or his laptop with discord open talking to one of his friends (greg I think??). He's always making sarcastic come backs or being snarky which is, primarily one of the reasons why I never approached him.

Tonight was different though. Something about him just felt softer, gentle. I'm guessing it was probably the fact that it was late if I'm being honest and he might've been tired, even though he seems like the type to voluntarily stay up all night. no matter to what it was, its kind of a relief he wasn't an ass.

I look at my phone unsure if I should text him. What would I even say though? I mean it's late and I'm tired what I say doesn't really matter. blame it on the sleep deprivation. even though I just drank a coffee so it is kind of my fault.



y/n: hey I know I said it was late and all but to be honest I can't really sleep


I look at my phone for a second.

Then chuck it across the room.

Oh jeez why am I texting this man at like 2 in the morning. is he even up? I start to silently panic pacing around the living room until a small chime interrupts me. I pick my phone up from the floor.



Clay: What happened to getting your beauty sleep haha

y/n: im not trying to avoid it I swear, I just feel like my mind is too awake right now cause of all the coffee you offered up >:(

Clay: to be fair you could've turned it down after the first one if you really didn't want it (that stupid ass thinking emoji)

y/n: I-,,,, ANYWAY that's beside the point I was gonna ask if you wanted to play or something

Clay: sure, do you have a discord so we can talk?

y/n: uhhhhhhhhh, maybe

Clay: maybe?

y/n: ...yes?

Clay: what? why are you saying it like that? like


Y/n: its like super old so the name is super dumb

Clay: that's ok it can't be that bad. what is it I'll add you rn

Y/n: no holdup give me a sec im making a new one

Clay: y/n come on it honestly can't be horrible you're wasting time just, idk Send IT

y/n: no cause you'll probably make fun of it , give me a moment im reinstalling discord .

Clay: alright im not gonna stop you but I really want to know what it is now

Y/n: making a password,,

Clay:did you just ignore me?

y/n: verifying the email

Clay: holdup no really what is it???

y/n: all done its (insert discord name of your choice)


y/n:,,,,,, princesskawaiipotato its from middle school

Y/n: anyway did you find it?

Clay: ...yes


I feel my face burning up as I sit down at my desk, Minecraft starting to open up. I put on my headset and switch it on. not long after I hear clay's voice.

"Hi." Uncomfortable silence that lasts two seconds.

I shift in my chair a little and don't respond. He just seems so-

"princess kawaii potato" he says quietly, I could hear him covering his laugh.

my breath hitches, "I fucking knew it. I FUCKING knew it" I smack my forehead.

I cover my face in shame and he just lets out this, wild, uncontrollable laughter, just absolutely contagious. I feel my own laughter bubble out of my chest.

After a minute straight we finally manage to calm down. "Where did you even get that from?" his laugh coming to a slow stop.

"have you really never heard that? are you for real" we start gathering materials in the game.

"no I really haven't when I was in middle school I was on youtube watching videos a playing with my friends I don't think I really wandered into the internet further than that" I can hear the smile in his voice.

"it was this stupid thing on the internet mostly on facebook and early instagram. so what it was- it was like this little cartoonish slash anime potato and you know it was cute-"

"-no I don't know" he cuts me off jokingly. I laugh in response.

"as I was SAYING, it was cute and people would just share it and edit it in cosplay or whatever and little 11 year old me sat there and thought, wow I want to be that potato, that thing is more famous that I will ever be. so I got obsessed."

"you were obsessed with a cartoon drawing of a vegetable?" he throws me food in the game.

"...yes?" I smack him and he slowly turns around.

A pause, he pulls out an iron sword.

"hey- hey clay wait we can talk about this holdup-" I don't know what the hell happens but in a matter of milliseconds im at three hearts. "wAIT CLAY WAIT HOLDUP WAIT WAIT WAIT-"

I die.

He laughs, "JESUS you sound kinda like one of my friends that I play with. except he doesn't suck as much." I can practically visualize his smirk. "also you actually yell like a normal person and not like a little girl."

" a little girl?" I respawn.

"im telling you I didn't even know he had that much range. One second he sounds completely fine that next he's screaming at the top of his lungs. It Literally sounds like he's getting murdered when he's caught off guard."

"pff- I highly doubt that, to me it sounds like you're exaggerating."

"im not though, I swear im really not its ear shattering I promise you."

We stay up talking till sunrise and for a few hours, my mind doesn't feel so confusing anymore.

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