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I wake up to the sound of collective chimes paired with buzzing. Blindly I swipe my hand across the smooth fabric of the sheets below me. When did I get in the bed? Doesn't matter, I was up late with dream last night again. At this point we've been talking for a few weeks now. In which I've learned a few things about him, he's super good at Minecraft, he has a group of friends he plays with everyday so usually I don't bother him cause he records or streams with them, he has a youtube channel which has an unbelievably large amount of subscribers, he wheezes when he laughs, he play flirts A LOT and most people he's close to refers to him as dream rather than his actual name.

I open my phone as the buzzing continues.


Tea kettle : y/n y/n y/n

Tea kettle : y/n

Tea kettle : you up?

Tea kettle : I'll just bother you until you reply

Tea kettle : y/n ):

y/n: What do you want dream.

Tea kettle: good morning sunshine (;


I look at the time.

I mumble small curses under my breath as I kick my blanket off. I had no idea how he was always able to do that. We got off at 4 in the morning this time since he was playing with his other friends before he got on with me. I really didn't mind it that much since I had my own games and challenges to attend to. What I did mind was the fact that he was texting me at 8 in the morning.

But he was always up so damn early.

My thoughts are suddenly disrupted by my phone ringing. I pick it up and am immediately greeted by laughter.

"hello??" I hear him wheeze and smack his hand down what I assumed was a desk. "oh- oh my god-" he trails off into another wheeze.

I try to keep my annoyed and groggy composure but fail as I slowly start giggling ," are you- are you ok??" im looking up at the ceiling smiling as I lay in bed still.

"y-yeah haHA- it's this stupid video that im editing right now and George had the shock band on his arm and-" I hear a click and an ear splitting scream plays through the speaker of my phone. I immediately pull back and wince."OH GOD-"

"Wait that's George? As in 23 year old lives in Europe George??" I pull the phone back to me again. I felt kinda bad that I got his name wrong the first time dream spoke of him.

He can't even respond. I assume he was on the floor rolling and probably running our of breath because his end went silent.

"oh god im gonna pee, im gonna pee-" he manages to push out but then lets out a wheeze and trails back off into silence.

"please stop laughing please you sound like you're gonna pop a blood vessel." I laugh nervously.

it takes 5 entire minutes for him to calm down. "I need some water, I was dialing you when it played oh man im sorry but it just caught me so off guard." I hear the crinkle of the water bottle. "anyway I was calling to ask if you wanted to hang out today. It's been a couple of days since I left my place and I though I could use a change of scenery."

"yeah sure what time and where?" I stand up from my bed and make my way to the mirror in my bathroom.

"well the when is at 8pm and the where is a surprise."

I lean on the sink "Dream! Are you asking me on a date?" I raise an eyebrow.

"well no- I- " I hear him stutter for a second "its actually a hangout, thank you very much"

I smirk, "all right a date it is then. I'll wear my nice clothes"

"no, you know what fine, i'll wear something nice to our hangout" he emphasizes the 'hangout' clearly pronouncing every letter to emphasize his playful annoyance.



"see you soon~"

"I hate you."

"you love me" I snicker and hang up.

Now, what to wear?

you know what? that's a problem for future me. right now I need to get more sleep cause dream's bitch ass doesn't know how I work by now, clearly. I try to wrap myself in my blanket and close my eyes.

I can't sleep. My stomach is way too awake with butterflies to calm down. I sigh, annoyed but secretly I know that its excitement keeping me up. This was going to be a long 12 hours.


I have managed to deep clean my entire apartment as well as give my cats a shower which mind you, wasn't easy at all. I throw myself onto the couch and watch the sun go down through my living room window. I feel like I could go to sleep at this point, but for some reason I just feel like im forgetting something...


I jump up in a state of panic as I rush to my room and figure out what to wear. I can't even take a shower now, no I have to come on I smell so bad I was sweating. I decide on only washing my body and not my hair since I still had to style it. I rush in and out of the shower now slightly regretting my decision on not picking an outfit for later tonight meaning in 30 minutes.

30 minutes.

CRAP. I put on the closest and nicest thing I could find, a nice looking (favorite color) tank top with some tactical pants and combat boots? will do. I run to the bathroom and start on makeup and hair.

I regret this I regret this I should've said no im not gonna go out I can't not like this not so rushed! looks like the distraction worked a little too well. I mutter as I play the next song on my playlist and finish the other wing of eyeliner.


Tea kettle: im 10 minutes out just a heads up


I panic and let down my (hair color) hair, doing my best to make it look presentable I look at myself one final time in the mirror, good. I look so good... no I don't but I do look hot considering the amount of time I had to get ready. the phone starts ringing. Just in time.

I pick up, "hello~?"

"hey im outside come out."

I hang up and grab my keys phone and wallet.

Its not a date its not a date its not a date.

But what if it was?

Lay here with me (dream x reader)Where stories live. Discover now