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It's been a week since dream decided to stay over and take care of me, in due time I was able to start washing my own hair and cook my own food. Dream would protest and command me to either sit or lay down every time I would attempt to do something nice for him in return. And of course, how could I say no to him?

So here I sit on my comfy couch wrapped in two blankets that Dream put around me. He brings over two plates of broccoli casserole and sits next to me handing me a plate.

"My mom was asking how you were feeling, I told her you wouldn't stop trying to get up and cook so she bought over some food she made for dinner last night." He pulls his legs onto the couch using his knees to help him hold up his plate as he ate.

I smile and start eating too. "Oh. Oh wow, this is really good, can you tell her I said thanks?"

"Yeah I'll tell her later when I call her, but she yelled at me today cause she thinks I'm babying you way too much"

I slam my fist down on the arm rest, "EVEN SHE SEES IT, LET ME COOK FOR FUCKS SAKE!"

"But I do the cooking and I do the cleaning" he smiles smugly as I roll my eyes, "in two days when you finish your pain meds maybe but even then we'll see."

I groan and throw my head back for exaggerated effect, " I'm sick and tired of being holed up in here. The weather is getting colder I wanna go outside."

Dream hums to himself for a second looking at me deep in thought, I feel my face redden a little when he grins, " You wanna get some coffee?"

I grin back, "OH! We can go to the bakery, it feels like ages since I last went there!"

"Oh right, we can drop by and see Anna."


"The owner of the bakery?"

"Oh! I never asked for her name, oops.."

"Good thing I got my car, finish eating I'm gonna go heat the engine up since it's getting colder outside, bring a sweater, also don't forget to take your meds, and don't bring your wallet-"

"Dream for fucks sake, GO."

He gives me a goofy smile and opens the door to walkout.

"Hate to see you go but love to see you walk away~"

"What!?" I smirk when he whips around to glare at me, an infuriating blush plastered on his face.

He shakes his head and mumbles something under his breath before quickly closing the door behind him.

No but for real though, "ASS 2020!" I shout at him and laugh.

There's a muffled 'shut up' echoing from the other side of the door as I hear him go down the stairs.

It's not long before we're back in the bakery, the comforting scent of  coffee and sweets surround us as I feel my body relax. Dream and I stand in line behind 2 other people waiting to place our order. I lean into him feeling his warmth through my sweater, he looks down at me and smiles softly.

"Oh thank god! You're ok you had me worried sick!" We both turn to her, the look of relief washes over her face as she walks out from behind the counter to wrap me into a hug.

"Thank you for that day really, it was good to see a familiar face in the middle of all that panic." I squeeze her gently.

She pulls away and gently brushes her hand over the bandage on my face. "I'm just glad you're in one piece, and that clay was there, if he wasn't I wouldn't have left. Trust me."

Lay here with me (dream x reader)Where stories live. Discover now