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Two days have passed since the accident Dream had insisted that stay with me for two weeks taking care of me. I was hesitant at first but ultimately agreed because of the fact that i couldn't raise my arms up too much. The bruising on my ribs still hurt a ton and there was a patch of bluish purple that was considerably big on my side. He's been a great deal of help, cooking for me when the meds made me too exhausted, helping me take care of the cats, even trying to go as far to clean which of course I didn't let him. He slept on the couch mostly and was up early in the morning to make sure I took my pain medication.

I do appreciate the help but I'm worried about him. He walks by my room every now and then just to glance at my for a few seconds while he thinks I'm asleep. But it wasn't only that, sometimes he stays up at night on the couch tossing and turning, I also have to force him to rest when he starts trying to do too much.

I walk to the shower, not having taken one since the day of the accident was starting to bug me. And of course I can't have that when Dream is over...

I strip my clothes off and stand in the freezing water, hoping that the sharp sensation will somehow wake up up from the sluggish feeling that won't leave me. It also eased the dull pain of the bruising. I feel the yucky sensation start to wash off and down the drain as I lather myself with soap. So far so good, I'm not in too much pain but I can move around pretty decently. I pump the shampoo into my hands and reach up to wash my hair. Pain shoots up my ribs and through my bruised shoulder that had seatbelt burn on it. I curse in pain as I immediately sit on the shower floor.

I hear footsteps and frantic knocking at the door. "Y/n? You ok in there?"

"Yeah-." I push out breathlessly, I was trying to catch my breath from the sudden unpleasant sensation. "I was just trying to wash my hair, I'm good though."

There's a sudden pause. "...let me do it."


"Let me wash your hair so you don't have to reach up."

"Dream I'm naked-"

"Just- I don't know just put something on! But you're just gonna be in pain there let me at least help-"

"...fine give me like two minutes."

I turn the bath on and plug the tub, filling it with warm water so Dream doesn't yell at me for freezing myself. A bra is a clothing article right? I put my bra back on and blush, no way in hell was I gonna put that shirt on again it had a good stain on

I add some bath salts and tons of bubbles that gave off a rainbow reflection, if I'm gonna fill up the tub might as well enjoy it and stay here a little. I sigh and pull the curtain open, sitting down and submerging myself in bubbles. The door was unlocked so I didn't have to worry about opening it. Dream asked me to keep it unlocked when I showered just in case I fell or something. "O-okay come in."

Dream walks in and sits down on the outside of the tub next to me, there's a light dusting of pink coating his freckles. "Which shampoo do I use?"

"The blue one..."

"Ok cool, do you have a container or something?"

I nod and motion towards the cabinet under the sink. He pulls out a clear plastic container and proceeds to fill it with water from the tub. "Do you want me to turn my back towards you?"

Dream nods. I shift myself around in the tub and feel as the warm water pours through my hair. There's a slight cold sensation coming from the palm of his hands as he works the slime through my hair. "How're you feeling, does it still hurt a lot?"

"Not too much" I feel my face redden as he runs his fingers through my hair.

He hums in acknowledgement as the silence lingers.



"I like you..."

He chuckles "that was out of nowhere." Dream tilts my head back as he washes the shampoo out of my hair.

I close my eyes feeling the water once again as it washes away the soap. "No for real Clay, I really like you, not only in a friend way, it's in a 'I wanna be with you' type of way."

Dream lathers my hair with conditioner, once he's done I turn and face him to let it sit in my hair. He's smiling and laughs whole heartedly "Damn those meds are really hitting you hard."

I push my fingers to his lips, shushing him as he gives me a goofy smile. "First of all, they're wearing off and I need to take them again in an hour and second of all I'm not joking." He cocks an eyebrow and smirks as I turn bright red. This bitch. I remove my finger from his lips and let my hand drop back into the water. "Look I now know how you feel about me, and i feel the same. I don't see any problem with being together and I don't see the point of overcomplicating things."

He looks at me smugly as i word vomit which makes me even more nervous. "Mhm~"

"A-all Im saying is, I'm ready, and I have been and I will continue to be. I wanna move forward but if it's something you seriously wanna wait on I'll wait for you. No matter what you decide. No matter if you wanna end up a thing or not. I just don't want you to cut me off again..."

Dream frowns and lifts my chin up placing a kiss on my forehead. "I won't be cutting you off, I never planned or meant to y/n. How about just for now, we do us until you heal, let's not worry about labels." He smiles shyly "I know it's sappy and I'm gonna sound dumb for saying this but right now im comfortable just being here with you, the time to think about it for real will come I promise you, but for now i just wanna be here with you and make sure you're ok."

I nod.



He leans forward and presses his lips against mine gently for a second before leaning away, "we will be just fine, focus on getting better ok?"

I smile as I feel butterflies in my chest. "Ok"

A/N:Update: decided against it, it's kinda weird doing it for a self insert in my opinion especially when there are so many minors on here :/

Also ty for the support, stay safe and as always, Dont forget to buckle up!

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