Drunk words are sober thoughts

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Never in my life would I have even come close to considering saying half the shit I've said in the past two hours if I wasn't drunk.

"Noooo, if I were a ju- a juicy cheeseburger I would DEfinetly wanna be ate byyyyyyyyy...—-!! thE MOM FROM INCREDIBLES.-!!!" I slur and point to nothing perticular to emphasize my point. George gives me a weird look and nods in his own drunken trance agreeing with my statement.

"I would want Dream to eat me~" George states blatantly, we look at each other and erupt into a fit of giggles and snickers while Dream hides his face in his hands turning red.

Everything felt so warm, a little too warm to the point where my skin was flushed and very warm to the touch. I sat on one side of the bench, across from George who was sitting on the grass. Bad was on a chair next to Dream who was on the other side of the couch I was on, Nick was sprawled in the grass by George looking up at the stars. We all decided to move to dreams backyard and start a bonfire, roasting marshmallows in the process.

Dream was on his way to sobering up still somewhat drunk, taking a swig from the water bottle Bad insisted he drink every now and then. George wasn't shitfaced anymore but still drunk enough to be a little bold whenever he spoke saying random things and constantly telling everyone he loved them. Bad was babysitting us, moderating the conversations we were having making sure they didn't get too out of  control, while Nick lays in the grass, complaining and whining to Bad to let him drink. He wasn't having it though.

"Bad" George leans back and extends his arms behind him, propping himself up, " I think Nick iz old enuff to decide whether he can handle himself or not" his words are slurred slightly and his eyebrows furrow.

"Absolutely not, we aren't arguing this again, he's not of age and until he is I'm not letting him risk getting in trouble." He crossed his arms and leans back into the chair.

Nick groans again, "Well Y/N is only 20 and she gets to drink."

Bad sighs at Nick, "Y/N lives a few minutes away from here AND she's basically a full on adult, I can't tell her what to do."

"Yes you can"

"No I can't"

"Can too"

I glare at him "you're so lame, how are you gonna rat me out like that you snitch" I pause, feeling the alcohol through my veins coursing through my body pleasantly. "Fine you know what you can have the rest of this."

He excitedly takes the beer I give him and proceeds to sip away like a little kid. George snorts "Oh my god you're a child, little piss baby kid" Dream grins when Nick looks back at George and shoots him a dirty look.

Bad shakes his head in disappointment and stands. "I'm going inside, you guys wanna come and play MarioKart?"

Everyone gives him some sort of confirmation and stands up, walking inside with him. He waits to see if I get up but instead I simply shake my head to which he gives me an understanding smile and walks inside.

Dream looks back and hesitates before following them, "You're not coming?" He's shy and his movements are lazy from the effects of the alcohol still.

"You guys go ahead, I just wanna finish making a few more marshmallows." I lazily stab the fluff through a wooden stick dream provided us. I see him hesitate one more time before walking away.

I finish a few minutes later and put out the fire before making my way to the kitchen. I'm not really fully aware about everything going on around me, kinda just going with the flow, walking wherever my legs take me. I'm drinking some water until I hear footsteps behind me.

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