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My apartment door pushes open and I throw my stuff down on the floor, kicking it shut.
I open my phone and look for my friend who had just dropped me off at my house.
Y/N: yo i just got inside make sure you text me when you get home.
F/N: ok great btw are we getting on today? It's been a minute since we've played at all
Y/N: yeah sure but put down your phone and join the party when you get home
F/N: kks
I sit in my chair at my pc playing whatever game my friend had wanted. I felt bad for neglecting them recently so we went out today, just to make it up to them.

"Wait so how's it going with you and that guy?" Their voice crackles through the shitty microphone they've had since 5 years ago, I've been telling them for the last 3 years that they were due for an upgrade.

"You really need to get a new mic, better yet I'll buy it for you"

"I'll hold you to that, but stop trying to be sneaky by changing the subject"

"Im not, I'm not." I hold my hands up in defense even though they can't see me. "Besides what do you mean how's it going, you do realize we're just friends right?" My stomach twists in discomfort. I wasn't exactly lying, Dream and I are just friends. To be honest, that's exactly where the feeling stemmed from, the bitter truth that it's all we are and probably ever will be.

"Bullshit, you don't stay over someone's house and cuddle them all night long into the morning when your just friends"

"You do if you're affectionate."

"Well is he?"

"Yes? Maybe? I don't know, probably. He's always been super playful and loving so I think so."

I hear them sigh and facepalm on the other end of the line. "You're a fucking mess you know that right?"

"Shut up you act like you're any better" I huff into the mic and click aggressively. I wasn't mad at them, I was mad at myself. Mad at the universe, mad at Dream. Stupid dream and his wonderful smile, his contagious laugh, his selflessness and warmth both physically and emotionally. Stupid me for taking a good thing and not appreciating it enough. Stupid me for getting lost in those sea green eyes.

They sigh "All I'm saying is that there has to be some sort of feelings there Y/N. There is no way that he doesn't feel at least something for you. Just try to at least consider doing something about it."

I bite the inside of my cheek and bounce my leg nervously under my desk "....fine"

A few hours go by in a flash, I'm sitting on my bed scrolling through my phone when a contact picture of the cinnamon stick from Apple Jacks pops up on my screen with the contact name 'Tea Kettle' displayed across the screen. I swipe to answer. "Hello?"

"Y-Y/N!! Hi hi hi! Wanna come over? I'm having a biiiiig ass party and I- well I thought you might wanna meet my internet- my internet friends!"

"Uh, are you ok? You sound kinda off.."

"We got booze!"

"I mean I'll go if you want?"

"YES! Ok ok ok, Snapchat- snapppap- sanpap will pick you up" I hear protests in the background of who I'm assuming is Nick.

"Dream I have a car I'll drive over there no problem-" He cuts me off before I finish.

"No! I'm sendin a chariot for you~" I hear music in the background, not too loud by loud enough for me to hear it clearly over the phone, some rap song from the 2010's.

"Dream are you drunk?"

A pause. "Yes <3"

I stifle a laugh "ok tell Nick my address and I'll get ready."

I get ready and head outside, sitting and looking at all the cars passing by. It's around 9pm and before I know it, Nick pulls up outside and beeps at me.

I run in and close the door behind me. "Sorry he sent you"

He smiles and turns down the radio "oh no it's chill, besides he was in no condition to drive. It's good to finally meet you, Dream talks about you all the time it actually gets kinda annoying ."

"All the time? He's such a dork." I smile and blush just a little bit. "Anyway whats this 'party' for?"

"Well, It's more like a get together, a lot of us flew in cause we weren't able to all come for his birthday."

"To be honest I didn't get to see him either, I was working that day, besides he spent it with his family so I wasn't too worried about it since I dropped a gift off for him at night after I got out."

Nick hums in acknowledgement, "We wanted to surprise him by getting whoever we play with to come, it's not all of us but we tried our best."

"Oh? who came?"

"Wilbur, Bad, Zak, George, and I." He smiles, "its good to see him, everyone actually, since we all live far for the most part" We pull into Dream's driveway, the lights are on and the music is kinda out, not loud enough for a noise complaint but a little concerning.

Nick and I get out of the car and approach the front door, he gives a little rhythmic knock to which Bad opens the door.

"Oh thank goodness your here, I've been babysitting these two...Muffin heads here since the others left." he sighs and shakes his head before stepping away from the doorway letting Nick and I through. "Oh you're Y/N right? It's so great to meet you, Im Bad by the way."

Bad pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and grins sweetly holding out a hand for me to shake. I take it and smile back at him, "Nice to meet you too!"


Nick, Bad and I  make our way towards the source of the voice, George is sitting next to Dream on the floor absolutely shitfaced and laughing with actual tears coming out of his eyes. Dream in the other hand is stuck in a sweatshirt that was struggling to fit it over the 8 he already had on. I snort and whip out my phone to start recording, looks like Nick had the exact same idea cause he hit record just as I did.

"GEORGE HELP ME STOP SITTING THERE!" Dream throws himself onto the floor and wiggles himself in with the help of one very intoxicated George. He tugs the fabric over Dream and manages to get him in fully. Dream sits up satisfied with his progress and strains to turn around with all of the fabric.

He catches Nick and I recording to which he panics and tries to escape the camera's view. George is laughing so hard that his already flushed skin turns bright red as he struggles to catch his breath.  This night is bound to be fun. 

A/N: ty for the votes guys, I'm trying to update the story as fast as I can I know it's not a long read but I'm really trying to put my effort into this so ty for being patient <3

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