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A/N: trigger warning in this chapter,feel free to skip, you'll catch up later dw. Stay safe guys.

14 days.

It had been 14 days since dream left me standing in the kitchen with George.

336 hours since I had cried into Nick's shoulder as Bad softly spoke comforting words, rubbing circles in my back in an attempt to stop me from my drunken cries.

20160 minutes since George ran after Dream, a drunken mess himself to make sure he was ok as the others ordered me an Uber.

14 days since I last spoke to Dream.

"I don't think he's ready to talk, he's kinda just sulking around right now." George's words echoed through my mind. We had spoken the day after.

"Can you tell him I'm sorry, he won't pick up pick up any of my calls or answer my texts-"

He had stopped me and pursed his lips, "I've known clay for a while, and I know he can be dumb sometimes. To be honest I don't really see why you're apologizing, you were both drunk. The situation also complicated things..."

I simply had nodded, pretending I understood, but I didn't. Now I sit here in the dark on my couch binge watching shows alone, still not understanding, not comprehending what he meant. I don't understand why he feels this way, I don't comprehend how he can just run away. After everything that has happened I just don't understand. After holding me, comforting me to sleep. After joking with me, taking me out, sharing emotionally intimate moments with me. After kissing me back, pulling me closer, grabbing my waist. I don't understand.

BadBoyHalo: Hey y/n! How are you feeling?

Y/n: Better, Im distracting myself a little I guess. You?

BadBoyHalo: Im good, but you know I'm checking up on you, I just want to make sure you're ok. It's been two weeks you know?

Y/N: yeah i know, how's Clay?

BadBoyHalo: Well George says he's fine right now, he's not really telling me more than that. I didn't wanna pry though since dream likes his privacy, George respects that a lot.

Y/N: yeah i know

BadBoyHalo: george did ask me to apologize to you on his behalf for not communicating with you though, he said he didn't want you to think that he doesn't like you. That it was a matter of being there for his best friend is all and he can't be there for you when yknow...the situation I guess?

BadBoyHalo: same thing with Nick, he said you can reach out to him though, but he doesn't wanna speak for Dream either.

Y/N: No it's cool i understand, no worries I guess I need that space too yknow?

BadBoyHalo: Yeah that's fine! You have my contact if you ever need to talk though, please feel free to reach out! I don't want to seem annoying but I'm gonna reach out just to check on you ok?

Y/N: Thats ok, And Bad?

BadBoyHalo: yeah?

Y/N: Thankyou and tell the others Thankyou as well

I sat in the dark, alone and tired, drained. A year and a half ago, that's how long ago the night I met Dream was. A year and a half to waste. I wasted his time, my time, everyone's time.

I think back to the moments that made me feel like my chest was going to explode, the ones where he brushed my hair out of my face. When he was sent into a laughing fit over some dumb shit, when he slept in peace and I would count his freckles. The moments when I felt like all the pieces of the puzzle fell in just right. Now the pieces feel worn out and dull, bent out of shape.

Thunder sounds outside, almost as loud as a few weeks ago. It sounded like the night dream stayed over.

I pick up my phone to text him, It's been 14 days. It doesn't matter if he feels the same way or not, I just need to know he's ok. I Scroll down and open our chat to start typing, three dots pop up and disappear. My heart stops as I watch the screen intently, they come and go for 5 minutes straight before they die out. It looks like they were never there, I sigh and turn off the screen setting my phone aside.

The phone starts ringing, I swipe it up to my face and pick it up immediately. "Hello?"

"Y/N" silence, I hear shuffling on the other side.

"Clay..." I open my mouth to explain myself and I hear the line click.

He hung up. Bullshit. I grab my car keys and rush to my car. I don't care if he doesn't love me back I just need to know, I need to know if he wants me to stay, I at least deserve to know that much. If he never wants to talk to me again, fine so be it. I've always hated this I hate the limbo of it all.

I call right back my hands shaking and blood boiling, tears swell in my eyes as he picks up. "What is it? Tell me just tell me if you never want to see my face, Fine. But tell me cause if you think you're making the right decision your wrong clay. This shit hurts clay it fucking hurts. I deserve to know."

"I cant do this y/n I'm sorry I can't..."

"Can't what clay?!" I spit it out at him, bitterness and resentment consuming me. My throat hurts from crying, my head hurts from the loudspeaker. I have the call playing through my car, being surrounded by Dream's voice didn't help either.

"I just didn't wanna lose you..."

What? "What kind of FUCKING logic is that?" I can't stop the sobs from escaping me as I drive, the rain coming down hard as the wipers from my shield struggle to keep the space clear.

"I didn't wanna fuck up our friendship I didn't wanna lose you like that because I was being selfish cause I- because I love you..." his voice starts cracking and breaking.

Fury. I feel a hurricane of emotions, a complete swirl of hurt and ugly and anguish. Between hyperventilation and sobs I cry, I ugly cry into the small space of my car. I'm almost at his house. "So you go radio silent for two weeks? You don't wanna lose me and you cut me off? You think I don't love you back clay? You're a fucking idiot I hate you. You wanna know why? It's because I can't stop loving you. Because I do, I love you Clay I love you I love you I love y-"

(((((((TW:CAR ACCIDENT))))))))

It feels like it's in slow motion. I feel an explosion of pressure on my left shoulder, my arms instinctively fly to the seatbelt and I tuck myself in. I'm in mid air, my eyes shut tightly. Is that the ground below? Am I still falling? It feels like a dream I'm about to wake up from, it feels like the moment you're about to fall asleep. I'm not scared, just disappointed when the swift realization hit me, this is it. Peace, a brief moment of peace and reluctant acceptance.


I open my eyes and the car smashes into the ground with metal crushing and denting, the sound is deafening, my body jerks down. I hear the glass shatter as shards fly everywhere, little pieces of glass fly through the air, glittering almost like falling snow.


Those are the last words I hear before I close my eyes.

A/N: how do I know what a car flipping over feels like? It happened to me a month ago. It still haunts me as I write it, sometimes I close my eyes and get anxious from the feeling of falling asleep, cause I feel like if I close my eyes I might not open them ok. I was there with three other people, if I didn't tell my friend next to me not to put in her seatbelt 3 minutes before the accident she would've died. Wear your seatbelts kids, please. As always stay safe, next chapter is gonna be posted either tomorrow or the day after that. Love you guys.

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