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Everything feels warm, fuzzy. I feel myself swinging in and out of consciousness as my blood rushes to my head. Oh. I'm upside down...

Unbuckle the seatbelt.

Right, the seatbelt, I unbuckle the seatbelt and fall onto the glass. Wincing as one of the shards dig itself into my palm, I pull it out whimpering as the blood starts trickling. I start kicking the window, I'm not strong enough I-

Check if the window works first.

Right, my hand trails over the button, relief. The window rolls up, I crawl over the glass along with a bunch of other shit now sprawled over the floor. The rain pours down but things are a little more visible now, a group of bystanders immediately rush to me, I almost start to cry again when I see owner of the coffee shop on the phone with an operator. I feel bad for being relieved since she looked so shocked and worry was written across her face.

"Y/N! Are you ok? Was there anyone else in the car, are you ok? Oh thank goodness I was here at the right moment."

No, you we're alone.

"N-no Im alone..." I feel my legs start to shake intensely as my hand trails up to a sharp burning pain on my temple, i look at the blood on my fingertips. Oh fuck that's blood. That's blood.

I pass out.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I glance at my phone, she was down the street how did this happen she was just down the street what the FUCK.

I keep my eyes glued ahead my lungs and eyes burning from crying and running, not caring if my vision gets spotty, this is all my fault. Thank whatever god is up there for location sharing. My clothes are absolutely drenched and my heart is beating out of my chest as I run, I'm still on the call yelling at her to hold on, telling her I'm almost there.

I'm almost there.

I see a blue car, the front is all crashed. People help out a young man, I couldn't tell if he was intoxicated or dizzy from the impact. Fuck if  it's dented from the front she must've gotten hit....

I spin around panicking and searching for any sign of her, where is she please...

I get to the intersection, cars are stopped all around the one that was hers. Her car is upside down and completely totaled. Scraps of metal are littered all over the floor with glittering shards of glass glinting as they reflect the streetlights. My body goes numb and I feel myself pale. The side of impact... the back door from the driver's side was completely jacked up, scratched and bent inwards in every possible way and angle.

A crowd of colorful umbrellas catch my eye, I jog towards them and I see y/n on the floor, the middle aged owner from the coffee shop looks up at me as she holds her in her lap.

"Clay! Thank god your here! I was driving back from the cafe when I saw the car and- it was upside down..."

I kneel down next to them, choking up a sob as a brush back the wet hair sticking to y/n's face. She immediately opens her eyes, they're full of panic.

"Clay? Where am I what happened?" She winces as she attempts to sit up, her hand immediately flies to her ribs as she cries out in pain.

"Stop, stop stop stop. You need to lay down the paramedics, they're on their way you gotta calm down."

The coffee shop owner turns to me, phone in her hand as I lay y/n's head on my lap, "they're down the street guys, just hang tight."

She lays there looking up at the people as they surround her with umbrellas of all different hues, "hmm... the colors are so pretty..."

I look up and nod, the people holding the umbrellas are in a mix between calling family and saying they'll be home a little late and looking down sympathetically. It was 9 already, I hadn't realized how late it's was. "Y/n I'm sorry."

"Nonsense Dream. It's ok, you're here now right?" She smiles at me, it's almost as if we were back at her house and nothing bad ever happened. She smiled so easily and genuinely. My heart aches with guilt as she cups my cheek. "Don't cry, I'm ok, I'm gonna be ok, alright?"

I nod, not trusting my voice, it was too unsteady still, it threatened to break every time I opened my mouth. I just wanted to say something, anything to comfort her, yet in her time of need she was gently holding me making me feel safe. I felt useless.

The paramedics come and load her onto a stretcher, strapping her down with some bright yellow buckles and straps. The stretcher slides in with a click as an older man perhaps in his late 40s turns to me. His hair is completely grey, both on his head and his clean cut beard. He's chubby but tall and strong looking.

"Are you the family?"

"Her boyfriend."

"Works for me, hop in and buckle up." I quickly climb in and take her hand in mine. They have her wrapped in a blanket, the ambulance is packed with small compartments with different varieties of medicine items in each clear box labeled with the item it has.

"I'm so sorry, you wouldn't be stuck in this situation if I had just called you, I'm sorry-"

"Shut up, I probably would've been on my way to hang out even if we weren't fighting." She cracks a slight grin.

I frown. "Does it hurt a lot?"

A shrug. "I mean considering I just got my car smacked and completely totaled and I flipped it's not all that bad, I am in one piece after all." Her smile doesn't falter.

I shake my head and smile weakly. "You're one tough ass person, no wonder why you kicked my ass in laser tag."

A smirk curl into form on her lips, "what? I don't go down that easily" She closes her eyes and inhales unsteadily as if trying to calm herself down. "I'm not going down without a fight..."

I squeeze her hand and lean down to place a firm kiss in her forehead, I mumble against her quietly so only she can hear. "Don't say that. You aren't going down at all ok? I'll be with you through every step of the way so don't talk like that, it's not your time and it'll be decades before it is."

I lean up and look at her intently as she makes eye contact with me. She looks scared but determined. Y/n squeezes my hand back and nods, tears threatening to fall as we pull up to the hospital emergency entrance.

A/N: any suggestions are welcome guys. Also the bold lettering is another personal touch I added to the story. When my accident happened it was like looking at myself in third person telling myself what to do. It was the only way I functioned without attaching myself to the situation and freaking out. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug. Anyway stay safe and buckle up kids, as always, thanks for reading. Next chapter should be up tomorrow or the day after, idk guys college is busy...

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