Ice cube

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I sit in the small patient room in the emergency department, my hands fidgeting nervously as y/n lays right beside me. The nurse had helped her change into a dry hospital gown so she wouldn't have to be stuck in the cold and damp clothes she came in with. My clothes were actually air drying so I wasn't really bothered if I'm being honest.

I glance over at her every now and then, she's quiet the entire time, lost in thought almost. "What's going on, what's on your mind?"

"I'm just...replaying it in my head?"

"The accident?"

"The argument."

I simply hum in acknowledgement, I frown feeling the redness from slight embarrassment  creep into my face.

I felt stupid, she was right, what I did ended up being worse than actually facing the situation head on. I thought by giving myself some time I would be able to get over any feelings, preserving our friendship because I cherished it that much...

"So why'd you do it?" She messed with the IV wire sticking out from her arm. Her face was unreadable, not angry or sad or anything for that matter, just completely neutral.

I shift around my seat nervously. "Disappear?"

She nods in response, "I mean yeah I can see why and I guess I already sort of forgave you in the car but still it's just-" her eyebrows furrow, "I still need to understand why."

I run a hand through my hair and glance at her again. "Because I was being dumb." My frown deepens.

She looks up with a hint of hurt in her eyes. My heart twists. "No, an actual answer Dream. Why did you cut me off like that. Did you really think things would've screwed up that badly?"

I feel my expression soften and I turn the chair to face her. "No no, of course not. I... I was scared..." she looks at me patiently, waiting for me to go on. So I do. "I was scared of everything  messing up, we were in a good spot things weren't complicated" I sigh in frustration. "That day just changed our whole dynamic."


"That day just changed our whole dynamic." I stare at Dream and watch him mess around with the silencer on his phone, hearing the small clicks as he switched it on and off.

"Was it a bad change?" My voice softens, my energy way too spent to try and express any type of intense emotion.

"No just dangerously different, too unknown in a way. That night when you kissed me, I wanted that too, I wanted to kiss you back. So I did. But we were drunk, we weren't thinking straight."

"Yeah I know..." but that didn't matter, because even when I'm sober even when I should be able to think clearly, I can't. Not around him.

"I just wanna make sure that we are 100% sure before we move forward. Even right now at this moment we're not thinking straight, you were just in a pretty serious accident..." theres a moment of silence before he leans his head down and against the bed right next to my hand. I take the opportunity to play with his hair, running my fingers through and curling strands with my fingers here and there.

There's a thick blanket of silence. Not necessarily uncomfortable, in a sense he was right. Maybe it's best if we continue the conversation once I was out of the hospital.

They've already put two stitches on the side of my head and loaded me with meds. Luckily they were able to take scans quickly. So far I seem to be stable and I'm now able to walk so it was just a matter of waiting for the scan results to get back.

"Y/N I'm gonna go get my car so I can drive you home ok?"

"We can take an Uber home it's ok."

"It's fine I already ordered one to my house, I'll just pick my car up and drive back here, besides it's probably a lot safer to drive with me than a stranger." He gives me puppy dog eyes.


"Great I'll be right back." He leans down and hugs me tightly. I melt into his embrace, it felt so warm, it feels like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. "Hang in there I'll be back in no time." He pulls away and walks out the door.

It's quiet again, at least quiet in the room. My mind is overloading with events and thoughts.

Some time passes, about an hour or so. Before the doctor comes in and tells me my scans are perfectly fine. I only had major bruising on my body but besides that everything was in tact. She leaves me in silence again. It's 4 a.m.

I get up and make my way over to the mirror in the small room I'm in. I look at my face and run my hand along some of its features. There's a cut on my cheekbone that extended from below the end of my left eyebrow to below the middle of my eye. Another one right through the arch of my right eyebrow but it wasn't that deep either. My lip however, the bottom one was busted and bruised. I lean forward and look at the stitches on my scalp but not for long, I can't really stomach it.

I lay back down on the bed. These meds are super close to wearing off and the nurse hasn't come in yet to discharge me. The right side of my lower limbs start to ache in a very intense full pain. Where's Dream? It's been an hour already. I close my eyes and try to distract myself.

I can still hear the glass shattering, and feel the car flipping. I can still hear Dream yelling through the speaker but I can't pinpoint exactly what it was... what did he say? I remember the glass and that's about it before I'm in the coffee owners arms on the floor.

I almost died today, I really could've died. The fact that I made it out walking was a miracle.

Tears swell in my eyes as I start to spiral. I feel my heart hammering in my chest, my vision goes blurry while my hands start shaking. I erupt into quiet violent sobs, pulling myself inwards looking for a source of comfort.

Dream walks in with a black duffel bag scavenging around it, "y/n I got the papers already and I got you a change of my clothes so you can put on-" his head snaps up and immediately he softens his voice. "Woah, hey what happened what's going on?" He sits next to me trying to wipe the tears from my eyes but they keep falling.

I can't even tell him what's wrong, I'm crying too hard and I can barely breathe. So I cry harder, ugly cry, I bury my head in my knees and shake as I try to breathe in.

I hear him get up and look for something around the room. There's a small crinkling noise. "Y/N, look at me, look up." I pull my head up to look at him.

He shoves an ice cube in my mouth?

Immediately I'm confused as shit. He looks at me intently for a second before erupting into laughter, "YESSSS IT WORKED!!"

"W-what worked?" I take shaky breathes trying to regain my normal breathing as the ice cube melts in my mouth. He sits there looking at me a wide grin on his face as he waits for it to click.  Oh I'm not crying anymore.

Im not crying anymore. I'm completely fucking baffled. "Oh shit. It worked..."

A/N: sorry for the late update guys, i think there will be around like 2 more chapters, it's coming to an end so if there's anything else you wanna see feel free to drop it in! Stay safe guys, don't forget to buckle up.

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