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Tea Kettle: hey im bored

y/n: same ngl

Tea kettle: MC??

y/n: im at work

Tea kettle: you've been at work for this entire week, quit your job

y/n: You gonna pay my bills?

Tea Kettle: I mean...

y/n: we can hang out after I get out of work if you want, its already 11 I get out in 30

Tea Kettle: YES ok cool ill start getting ready


I turn my phone screen off slipping it back in my pocket. Shouldn't be long now.

I wait for the next shift to come, they get in a little late but I don't mind, 11:32. I make my way to the back and swipe my ID, the machine beeps twice and Im on my way down the elevator once again. attempt to brainstorm ideas as to what we could do, to be honest, I don't really feel like going out, considering how much my body hurts and how achey my muscles are but it has been an entire week since I've spoken to dream or any of my other friends for that matter. We really haven't had time to text or call since I've been pulling doubles out of my ass basically the whole week.

I get in my car and start driving to his house.


y/n: hey I'm outside parked across the street.


I see him walk out and lock the door behind him. He walks across the street wearing light grey joggers and a black t-shirt that was a little tight around his biceps, dream wasn't muscular but he was still somewhat built.

He hops into the car and buckles up, turning to me and give me a soft and sweet "Hi!" he smiles brightly.

I lean over and smooth down his wet hair that was sticking up it was a little darker than the regular dirty blonde he usually had but that was just due to the fact that it was wet, he probably had just gotten out of the shower. "sorry there was this one piece sticking up."

"what really?" his hand immediately flies up, he starts raking his hand though his hair in a small panic as his cheeks tint with a light pink.

I smile and put the car into drive, turning off the emergency lights. "So what do you wanna do tonight anyway, no lazertag because my body hurts like a bitch."

"I was thinking maybe watching a movie or something, they got this new hero movie that came out two days ago."

"The theater must be packed though, I heard a lot of people waned to see it, usually the hype doesnt die down until like 5 days after movies like that come out."

"Yeah you're right... I don't know what are you up to then? Cause I don't wanna drag you anywhere if you feel like crap." Dream reaches over to my phone and picks it up shuffling through the playlist I have on

I glance at him and turn my eyes back to the road. "I mean I haven't eaten since early so if you want we can pass Mickey D's and get something to take to my house, we can probably put on a movie or something."

He keeps scrolling through my phone chuckling lightly and making a face, "Mickey D's?".

I scoff at him, "you've never called it that? you're honestly one of the people ive met who are definitely on the stranger side." I tease cracking a small smile.

He shoots back with a slightly sarcastic 'yeah, ok' as we drive to the nearest fast food joint.

We end up getting a shit ton of food which I was more than happy to pay for even though Dream insisted on paying at least some of it. Of course I didn't let him and threatened to push him out of my moving car if he dared to defy me. We walk up the brick staircase, he's holding two brown bags as I pull my keys out our my pocket and proceed to open the door.

Lay here with me (dream x reader)Where stories live. Discover now