Falling for the enemy- Harry Styles: My bestfriends Flirt

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I'm probably the next door type of Girl. I'm nice to the people that are nice to me and not nice to the people who aren't nice to me. I stand in for my freinds bur not for me and want the world to be fair. I'm kind of invisible some times and i like it. I'm 15 and live in a small village full of Assholes. My name is Laura and i had no boyfreind yet. I've you would knwo the boys here you would understand.

Ann has been my Bestfriend since the 3rd Grade. We get through everything together and have fun no matter what .

I'm the reason that she's in a relationship with Chris. The best boyfriend you can imagine. He treats her like every Girl should be treated by her boyfriend and would do anything for her. He isn't what you would think a perfect Boyfriend would look like, but if you get to know him. He is. We both had a hard time to get one but we managed it and now are close Friends and i trust him. Sometimes he's the only person that makes me smile. But e doesen't know this fact.

You may ask why i'm not in a relationship with him, but that's easy he isn't my type and i can't imagine falling in love with him. But i'm in love with Ann's and his relationship.

And that's where he comes in. He is 18. Still in school and Ann's new neighbour. He's hot and a total Chav. All he thinks about are Boobs and asses.Not that this is something special here. It would be special if he wouldn't. But in my eyes he's the biggest idiot of all of them. Also he's the total flirt. just what Ann likes in a boy.

Sometimes  think a normal relationship is to boring for her. She alwasy keeps boys warm, just in case Chris would leave her. Not like she's a slut. Of course not. But she flirts with a lot of Boys and you can influence her very easy and sometimes she's really blind.

Harry Styles is her new best friend and that means her new flirt. this is why I hate him. He destroys Ann's and Chris relationship. It seems like he's fallen for Ann, but she's to blind to see and just keeps flirting. Ignoring Chis feelings. 

My oppinion is clear. he has to get out of her live.

But he's hot and got at flirting and it's not that easy to hate on him. this fact makes me hate him even more.

This is the Background story. I'm really sorry if my English is bad. I'm from Germany so English is not my first language, but my spelling is better in English than in German :D Feel free to help me to improve my English skills by correcting me in the comments if there are any mistakes left after automatic spelling correction. 

This story is kind of real and i hope you will like it .xx

Falling for the enemy- Harry Styles: My bestfriends FlirtWhere stories live. Discover now