trivia on dinosaur train evolution: creating the villain

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Time to talk about the main villain of dinosaur train evolution the wings of terror himself

Valkyrie pteranodon

Today im gonna talk about why i made him the villain and the changes i made to get him where he is today

When planning a story out one of the most important things to plan are the characters the plot the world and the villain

When i first thought of making this fanfiction in 2017 i didn't have a villain in fact the only thing resembling villains in this story back then were rouge dinosaurs but apart from that there was no real villain

My second thought was multiple disposable dinosaurs

Remember those purple dinosaurs that appeared in chapters 14 and 17 notice that they were not alone? Originally i wanted these things to be the main threat but i scrapped it since its just boring

In 2018 i started thinking deeper into who the villain should be and i thought of making ripper the indoraptor from fallen kingdom the main villain but now looking back on it that idea was ridiculous and considering now i have a fanfic of ripper that is connected to DTE i think that idea was terrible from the start

In 2019 my intelligence developed even more cause i was thinking of how to make a threatening villain and here are the things i thought of

1: make them fierce
2: make them heartless
3: make them angry
4: make them murderers
5: make them hate the main character

And then in mid 2019 in august i finally thought of something

And that was valkyrie the main reason i picked him as buddy's nemesis is he can fly and buddy cant he is faster than buddy and the biggest reason i made him buddy's nemesis is he's a pteranodon

As you know buddy has always loved pteranodons cause he was raised by them but now he has to face against a pteranodon its kind of ironic to say the least

Buddy always stated that he will do anything to protect his family and his family are pteranodons yet his nemesis who killed his birth parents is a pteranodon......? Really makes you think doesn't it?

The hardest part about valkyrie was making his personality and motivation and thats gonna be difficult cause writing the main character is easy cause thats who the readers root for but the villain is somebody they want to burn alive

So at first i didn't give valkyrie anything that would make him a well written villain cause my understanding of villains back was this

They were bad and thats that

In fact valkyrie used to be something like a power rangers villain in which he would just spout random insults to try to piss off buddy here is some dialogue from valkyrie's original version

Lets begin

Buddy jumps trying to bite valkyrie

"too slow! You need to loose weight kid!" valkyrie shouted

"argh!" buddy was getting more irritated

"whats the matter? Cant fly? Well too bad!" valkyrie said

Buddy has had enough and just used his flamethrower to take valkyrie down

As you can see valkyrie is less of a developed villain and more like the joker from batman if he was put into a body of a pteranodon i know that sounded weird but in original valkyrie laughed A LOT

I thought villains were dumb and arrogant but then there's villains like darth vader which the reason he wanted to join the dark side is so he can save his wife from dying and yet he's the reason his wife dies because he chocked her and now he is a sith but there is still a good man left in him and this is shown in return of the jedi when his son luke was getting tortured by emperor palpatine he saw his son suffering and that was enough for anakin to come to his senses and save his son but in the process he killed himself

So later on i changed valkyrie he was no longer a laughing annoying power rangers style villain in the original now he is edgier i did this so he can actually feel like a threat when you read the fanfiction you notice that valkyrie's personality is he is sadistic and angry he tortures his opponents not by hurting them physically but also mentally this is the main reason buddy wants to kill him cause valkyrie took the life of buddy's birth parents and that really hurt buddy when he found out his birth parents' death

As for valkyrie's motivation thats gonna be revealed later on in the story but he does have a reason a very bad reason that is but its a reason that he thinks benefits his needs but he never realised it hurts others

See ya next time

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