why i cancelled dinosaur train: adventures beyond

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As you know my most popular and most successful story is dinosaur train evolution but as i said before originally "evolution" wasn't the title again like i said before if you've read the other chapters on here you'd know that originally it was supposed to be called "Dinosaur Train: Adventures Beyond"

In that story buddy and his team are going to new places and discovering new species and defending the world from you guessed it valkyrie

But i cancelled that version and for good reason too cause the original had so many problems i almost didn't make evolution to begin with

The story would start out with a flashback to the day buddy was born and when the flashback ended we cut to buddy who is now a teenager and is living a peaceful life

Although not everybody likes a peaceful life huh? So valkyrie comes and attacks buddy's home and this was just terrible

Some writers usually say to introduce your villain early but as you can see in the actual story i first mentioned valkyrie in chapter 4 and the reason i didn't give a flashback to that is cause so i can build up valkyrie as a threat i didn't want him to show up so early so i reserved him for chapter 7

Adventures beyond however introduces valkyrie in the first chapter which seems so rushed cause literally after valkyrie attacks it would go into the "tree of elements arc" and that was way too rushed again in the actual story i made a big deal about this arc cause it was a pivotal moment in the story but here its just rushed

Now adventures beyond was way too fast paced and to be honest most of the stuff in that version didn't feel like dinosaur train i know some aspects of it adapted in evolution but at least i kept the feel of the original show in evolution by introducing new characters and some personality the characters had when they were kids still carries on to their teen years

One of my biggest problems was the reason buddy wanted to fight valkyrie originally it was just to save the world but now its much different

The reason he wants to fight valkyrie now is cause he doesn't want what happened to his birth parents to also happen to his current family thats why he would give up his life just to protect them

In fact lets compare the two buddy tyrannosaurus' and see whats the difference between these two

AB buddy (AB stands for adventures beyond)

He is very strong very fierce and will protect others but he just wants to fight valkyrie to protect the world not his family and he has no reason to hate valkyrie other than the fact this valkyrie is annoying he barely bonds with his siblings but defends them when needed

Now lets compare that to this

Evo Buddy (evo stands for evolution)

Smart strong fierce curious and will do anything to protect the ones he cares about and he will never let what happened to his birth parents to happen to his current family he would even give up his own life if he had to

He has a strong bond with all his siblings and has a strong bond with his father and his teacher terry he will always be there for his friends and family and he will never fall to darkness no matter how much his enemies anger him

As you can see yes AB buddy wants to save the world and all but his personal life is not as good and his "being a hero and saving the world" life cause even though he does a good job protecting the world he barely has time to bond with his family

Evo buddy on the other hand balances both of these he wants to protect those he cares about and tries everything in his power to do so and in his personal life he has a strong and unbreakable bond with his family and will do anything to protect them

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