What If The Raptor Squad Survived 2015?

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So today im gonna do my first "What If" Scenario of what if the raptor squad the whole raptor squad survived 2015

Now in the finale of my indoraptor fanfiction "Ripper's Journey" jurassic world's former chief geneticist Dr. Hnery Wu managed to clone delta echo and charlie with all their memories still intact

But what if things were different?

What if delta echo and charlie survived 2015? What if that happened?

Now if it did then the final battle of 2015 would be different since

1: charlie would still be alive and wasn't blown up because of a rocket launcher

2: delta and echo wouldn't die because of alice the indominus rex

3: the entire raptor squad would be there to help terry the t rex fight off alice

If this happened maybe terry would have stood a better chance of defeating alice since in the original fight blue did help cause she distracted alice long enough for terry to come back into the fight

Now if blue's siblings survived terry wouldn't have much of a problem dealing with alice since the raptors would keep her occupied while terry would do the main damage

And after this terry would still leave and so will owen claire zach and gray but unlike the original timeline where blue was depressed for a while and only had to scavenge she wouldn't be depressed since her siblings survived and she would hunt other dinosaurs with them meaning that the incident/argument between terry and blue would have never taken place in 2016 which would have dented their friendship

Now how about fallen kingdom in 2018? I think the raptors would still be caught by ken weathly and his men there's just no stopping that from happening and blue would still get shot and would still need the blood transfusion with terry

Now here is where it gets interesting cause since blue's siblings didn't die here would they actually stand a better chance against ripper the indoraptor?

I say yes since ripper had trouble taking on blue cause maisie's room was small but blue was able to move in it very easily since she was smaller than ripper i'd even go as far as saying the ending could go 4 different ways

1: they kill ripper in maisie's room instead of him falling onto the ceratopsian skull

2: when owen asks them to come with them they decline to live out in the forest

3: they could accept owen's wish and stay with him to protect him since he is their alpha

4: ripper could still fall onto the horns and maybe ripper's journey could still happen since again ripper does survive being stabbed

Now this leads us to ripper's journey now since the raptor squad has already had a taste of what ripper could do i wonder how they'd react to him surviving

Now in the original ripper and blue had a second match up in a cave blue was living in and blue won that fight by knocking ripper out and later on blue helped ripper and even came to trust him as her friend but would that still happen here?

Since blue and her siblings hate alice and i even mentioned several times in ripper's journey that ripper has alice's scent and this mostly comes from the fact that he has alice's DNA so this could go two ways

1: ripper would be killed because the raptor squad smells alice's scent on ripper and they think he could be related to her

2: they still help ripper and if this happens the fight between them and the biosyn troodons would end shorter cause they had an entire squad now

But that leads us to the question that would wu still make the ultimasaurus? He only made it to counter ripper and blue but since he had to deal with more than two raptors here maybe he would have made a stronger hybrid

I dont know maybe a upgraded indominus rex or maybe a hybrid like yudon (yutyrannus and troodon) from jurassic world the game but lets just say he still uses the ultimasaurus

Again this could go two ways

1: it could go like the original ending where they along with terry and smaug the spinosaurus kill the ultimasaurus

2: the ultimasaurus would be a lot more professional here instead of being sadistic he'll just kill blue's siblings and this could lead blue being depressed and wanting to get away from ripper cause she doesn't want to loose anybody again and she fears she might loose ripper if he stays with her

Now if we go with the second option then terry and smaug would have had even more trouble fighting the ultimasaurus since the main flaw of the ultimasaurus in the original was its lack of intelligence and its upper neck which was weaker than the rest of its body and the only reason ripper knew to attack that part of the neck was because early on delta slashed it but since she's dead in this version they would have a lot more problems

Of course they could still end up killing the ultimasaurus but it would take way longer than the original

Now what would happen after this? Since blue lost her siblings and again this can go in a lot of ways

1: she keeps herself away from anybody for fear of loosing them

2: she would kill herself because of guilt and grief over the death of her siblings

3: she would go insane and would want to kill everything in sight

Now i want to go with option 3 and say that after the ultimasaurus is killed blue isn't satisfied she wants wu to die and will do anything to do it but ripper tries to stop her since wu escaped but blue pushes ripper away and tries to find wu

And after that blue would begin to loose her mind she would loose her sanity and responsibility all she wanted was wu to die and if she ran into ripper again she would probably attack him since she has gone insane and does not know how to control herself and ripper would be forced to fight her again either he would kill her or try to escape her cause he doesn't want to hurt her

Now if blue went insane up until jurassic world dominion what will happen then? Will ripper try to find owen so owen could talk some sense into blue? If he did owen would probably not believe him since his previous encounter with him wasn't so pleasant

But eventually owen would find out when he saw blue again and he saw her going insane and he wanted to help her but unfortunately for him blue has been going insane for 2 years straight she has lost all her sanity and responsibility and has been drove mad because of it

And this may lead to a 4th fight between ripper and blue where ripper might have to kill her in order to protect owen but owen might try to reason with blue and then blue would see wu and she would run after him but since blue didn't know about wu's dinosaurs she would be killed either by his deinonychus named "dagger" or by his giganotosaurus named "genesis" either way blue will die trying to get her revenge

And maybe afterwards terry would fight genesis and either ripper or owen would kill wu to avenge blue

So yeah there's my "What If" Scenario of what if the raptor squad survived 2015

Make sure to post your thoughts down below and also you can also request for what kind of what if scenario you want me to do next

See ya next time

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