trivia on dinosaur train evolution: the role of the last phoenix guardian

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Now if you've read dinosaur train evolution and saw chapter 17 you would know that one of the characters is now a phoenix guardian

Let me explain what a phoenix guardian is

A phoenix guardian is somebody that was chosen by the phoenix of flame (who is also a character in here) to protect others and help the world and also protect the phoenix of flame

The guardians refer to the phoenix by her real name which is "flara" and they respect her and care about her some of her guardians even act like as if she's their mother and yes flara is very motherly and very caring

Now we are not going to talk much about flara and her previous guardians but we are going to talk about her last guardian

Valerie velociraptor

As you know in the story valerie is a velociraptor who lives in the desert of velociraptor valley with her family

Valerie is very caring and very protective kinda like buddy but she is calmer than buddy which is the main reason flara chose her to be her guardian cause if she chose buddy then buddy might have wasted her power trying to kill valkyrie here

A little side note here: when buddy fights valkyrie all his rage is awakened so thats why flara didn't choose him cause he would probably be too blind with his anger when fighting valkyrie

Now when valerie becomes a phoenix guardian she swore to use this power only for defense and never for attack unless somebody she cared about is being attacked

Now lets talk about valerie's role

Her role in the story is she's the calm one of the team she is very calm and very quiet most of the time but when she fights she is no joke she will dodge her opponent's attacks very often

But originally she wasn't like this at all the original version of her in the concept version was a lot worse

In the concept version of dinosaur train evolution (which is not adventures beyond this is the pre-stage) valerie and all the other female characters would have been different

This is when i couldn't handle characters very well and i thought female characters were nothing but damsels in distress waiting for the boys to save them

But then i changed it and the first character that had this change was in fact valerie and let me tell you who valerie is kinda inspired from

She was kinda inspired by mulan

Yep mulan i said it now she isn't 100 percent inspired by mulan but she is in some way inspired by her and i am talking about the mulan from the 1998 disney classic

Most of the inspiration comes from well she is just a young girl and she cant fight yet back then and now she joins the fight cause she wants to protect her family just like when mulan joined the army to protect her father from dying in the war

I really like mulan as a character she is very well written and very inspirational to young girls and thats why i based valerie off her

In fact i nearly even made my own version of the song "reflection" mulan sang in the movie but decided to cut it cause this fanfic isn't a musical although it would be very interesting to see valerie sing this though

Back then i made valerie into nothing but a damsel in distress and she would even have a love interest but then later on i didn't give her a love interest cause not every female character needs love from a guy to be honest i think love from their family is more important although as you can see i did give some characters love interests like shiny's love interest is gilbert

I used to think female characters were just there so the hero can save them but then you've got characters like mulan who aren't like that at all

Probably the main reason mulan was my inspiration for valerie's character because she is one of the only few strong female characters i know that are actually well written and isn't a mary sue

And for those who dont know mary sue's are characters that cant fail they dont loose they always get everything right ETC you can argue that valerie is a mary sue but she is more of a chosen one than a mary sue she is more like anakin skywalker where he was bestowed a responsibility to bring balance to the force and valerie was given a responsibility to help others and protect her family

I really like the valerie we have now instead of being a classic damsel in distress in which her only interesting trait is she's cute pretty and she has a hero to save her the valerie we have now is more like mulan strong smart independent and caring for her family i am very happy i went for the valerie we have now instead of a damsel in distress cause that trope is way too overused at this point

See ya later!

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