Failed Ideas For Ripper's Journey

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So ripper's journey is my fanfic of what if the indoraptor survived and now that it has passed my other stories i decided to show even more original ideas for ripper's journey that didn't make it into the final version

Okay so first off remember that hallucination ripper had in chapter 18? He thought he was talking to his sister luna but it was just his imagination

But originally there was supposed to be somebody else there instead of luna and that was alice the original indominus rex and she was supposed to motivate ripper into saving blue but this made no sense cause

Ripper never knew what alice looked like even if he had her blood and why would alice try to motivate ripper to save blue if blue was part of the reason she died?

So i replaced her with luna cause it made more sense seeing as ripper was loosing hope on himself and all he wanted was to see his sister one last time

Okay so up next is remember that moment in chapter 19 where ripper confesses that he loved blue and thats the reason why he stopped himself from killing her?

Well originally their relationship would have been a lot more early cause back then i wanted ripper and blue to be boyfriend and girlfriend right after they met again but i scrapped that cause it wouldn't make sense for ripper to fall in love that fast with the raptor who nearly took his life

So in the actual story it took time before ripper grew a liking to blue for helping him and making him feel like his old self again

Okay so up next remember those troodons that appeared? Well originally they were supposed to show up again during the final battle

During the final battle they would have been distracting the raptor squad and ripper while terry the t rex and smaug the spinosaurus battle against the hybrid king the ultimasaurus

But i thought why would the troodons care to go to that place? They have no business helping the ultimasaurus unless they held a grudge against ripper and blue but they know better than to try and kill those two after what happened in the biosyn facility i mean they used to have 15 in that pack and they were reduced to 7 im pretty sure they wouldn't want any trouble with the guys who reduced their pack

Another idea was owen claire zia and franklin showing up in the final battle against the ultimasaurus but that wouldn't make much sense since they dont know where henry's laboratory is

Another idea was for ripper to betray blue but not in the way that he reveals that he has been working for henry this entire time but more like he was just using blue for protection rather than actually caring for her

Now i scrapped this cause ripper showed actual care for blue and wanted to be her friend i cant just reveal that he never cared for her cause i showed that he clearly did

Another idea was to have delta echo and charlie fight blue and ripper and in this case they were listening to henry because he made them so blue had to choose between saving ripper's life or ending her sibling's and she actually chose to end her sibling's life cause even she knew that even though they are her siblings they are attacking her for no reason other than because henry ordered them to and blue cared for ripper as well because he has suffered enough she didn't want him to suffer even more so she killed her siblings and after that the ultimasaurus fight would still happen but blue would not be in it instead she fled into the forest alone and eventually let herself starve to death so she can join her siblings in the afterlife

Now i didn't do this cause i really wanted a reunion between blue and her siblings a proper reunion so i chose not to turn them on blue

Another concept for siblings turning on each other is the fact that i wanted henry to use some sort of device to control luna and make her fight ripper

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