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A woman held his hand gently as her life slowly left her.

"I'm sorry, sunshine" She whispered.

He stared at her. Blood slid out the corner of her mouth.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you more time" Her energy grew less.

Bitterness spread through him.

"Why-" His voice broke.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

The woman opened her mouth to answer. He refused to hear it.

"I could have done something!" He screamed.

She shook her head, a sad smile graced her lips.

"No, sunshine, there is nothing you could have done, nor can do"

Emotions burned through his body. Regret. Pain. Anger.

"I could have at least tried!" His heart shattered.

"It is a curse our family has carried for centuries" More blood spewed from her mouth, "No one has ever found a cure"

He opened his mouth to protest, but a look from her silenced him.

"Even your father searched, for years and years" 

Anger welled beneath his skin.

"I don't care about that bastard," He snapped, "But I care about you, Mama, and I want you to live."

She laughed.

"No, sunshine, that is not possible, for me, but for you, yes,"  With her last strength, she pulled her son into a hug.

"Our family does not have the luxury of a long life, so live, sunshine," Her last words were so soft that he nearly didn't hear them.


Time limit - Draco Malfoy x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now