Chapter 14

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A/N Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm posting a TOOONNN of chapters today. So don't worry bacon strips.
I felt the ocean wind blow on my face and I opened my eyes and looked out on to the beach. I looked at a sign and I saw "Welcome to Charleston South Carolina!" I smiled and woke up the others. Joey quickly explained that Carter, the newly added Kandace and I would go to the adoption center. They would be mad at us, because we had "run away". Later today our soon to be new parents would come and we would use our special convincing abilities to get them to adopt us. They would only be planning to adopt two kids so we had to be extra convincing, but that wouldn't be too hard. We walked down to the adoption center where I saw a woman at a desk. They looked at us and their expressions darkened. She was mad and we all knew it. I stepped up first "We're very sorry we ran away miss" "It's not me you have to worry about, it's Miss Aslyn , hopefully she won't kill you, God luck!" She smiled and gave us a thumbs up I smiled back and walked down the hall that said it went back to the children's rooms. I saw another woman who looked very stern and when she saw us she was even more stern looking. "Go to your room, I will deal with you later, we have available adoption parents coming and you guys need to get dressed in your best" "Yes miss" I said and realized I had been doing all the talking for my friends who stood behind me. I walked down the hall that I somehow knew was my room. I walked in and realized that we all shared the the same room. Just like home, I thought. Then another thought occurred to me my friends still weren't talking. "Can you guys talk?" "Yeah, we just didn't know what to say, we've never talked to humans before." Carter said. "Well get dressed our soon to be parents will be here any second" I said walking over to my closet and looking at the shirts, skirts, dresses and shoes. I put on a light blue dress and light blue sandals. I turned around and the dress swished at my ankles. I looked at Kandace who was wearing the same dress and shoes just in her smaller size. It was right then that I saw that Kandace had tanner skin than she had when we were in our home. Carter has on dark blue pants that I somehow knew were called jeans and a button up black shirt. As he walked towards me I smelt carnations around him. I looked into his eyes and saw love and devotion. I smiled and he kissed me and I kissed back. "Kandace awkwardly stood there and said "Well, we should probably go to the front room because our parents are probably there now". We laughed "Sounds good soon to be sister. Everyone put up their most convincing glamour to get them to choose us. The second we walked in the couple in the room looked straight at us and walked over to us. "What is your name?"They looked at me and I said "Elaine and this is Kandace, and this is Carter. We really hope that you'll adopt us we've been here for soooo long" we all put on perfect glamour and they said "We want these three, I know we said we only wanted two kids, but three is perfect"
We smiled at them and jumped up and down and thanked them. "What are your names?" I said smiling at them with an angelic smile. They looked at me and the woman said "My name is Autumn and this is Joshua, but you can call us mom and dad" I smiled at her, she had green eyes like Joey's and black hair, Joshua had jet-black hair and a goatee. His eyes were a gray-blue color and his face was caring, but he was hiding something. He had a secret and I was gonna find out what it was. They did all the paperwork and we walked out to their car. "It was like it was meant to be, we had set up three kids rooms, even though we were planning on just getting two kids. Now, we have three kids to match the three rooms. I'm guessing you guys have one clothes with you from the adoption center. You guys can put those clothes in the closets in your rooms and explore the house and when your done let us know and we'll introduce you to your grandparents, aunts, uncles and other family members that fit into that category" We all said that sounded good and we sat in the car silently.
When we got to their house I took in my surroundings. They lived in a blue house that was medium-sized, not too big or too small. It looked like it had a ground floor one above it and a basement. It had white trim around the windows and little flower baskets in each one. It looked like the perfect houses that people have in movies. When I looked out to the backyard I saw that there was a pond, a pool and a little white dock leading out to the pond.
We walked inside and Joshua/dad showed us two our rooms I told him thank you as I stepped into mine. It was perfect. It has blue walls with little waves across the bottom. The bed was a low loft bed that was light blue with a sandy color and a blue theme. The carpet was the sandy color and so was the dresser there was a chair that was shaped like a shell. I loved it, but I was done looking around now and decided to explore the house. Our rooms were in the basement, there were two bathrooms down here, one for me and Kandace and one for Carter. I walked upstairs and saw the kitchen, dining room and living room, they all made me feel nice and homey on the inside. I walked up another staircase and ended up in a hallway with three rooms in it. I opened one door and saw what I was guessing was my parents bedroom, the next door was their bathroom and the last door was a game room with a bunch of different electronic stuff.
I decided that I was done exploring and I walked downstairs where I saw Kandace and Carter still looking around and mom and dad were watching them. I smiled, a perfect family in a perfect world. I heard someone interrupting my thoughts "Have you guys been to school before? I know you were at the orphanage, but I didn't know if you got homeschooled, I also wasn't sure if you wanted our last name or if you wanted to keep your own" It was Autumn/Mom talking and I smiled at her and told her that I didn't know what my real name was so her last name was fine. She said that sounded great and that I was now Elaine McNan. I told her that I loved it and she looked very happy. Kandace and Carter came down and made the same choice. Then I remembered the first part of her question "Yeah we went to school back at the orphanage. We learned the same thing as everyone else and when new little kids came they would have to go to a different room" Of course I was lying, I just said what it was like back at home. That's how we were schooled and so I just went with it. They believed me and said that we would start going to public school in two weeks at the end of summer vacation.
This helped the knew knowledge that had been implanted inside me start to bloom. In my head I was thinking five million thoughts a minute. I knew that summer had to do with which way the sun looked at earth and that if it was summer the sun was on our side of earth and on the opposite side of the earth it was winter, and it would be winter until the Autumnal Equinox here. Whoa, I could've sworn I didn't know that five minutes ago. Joey was right when she said our newfound knowledge would just start coming after it was referenced. Hopefully that won't happen while I'm at school. I can see it now, someone will ask me a question and I'll answer it with a college level answer. I wonder what grade I'll be in? I know they separate their schools by age instead of skill level. So hopefully I'm not in too easy of a class. I mean I'm in 13 so I guess I'm somewhere between 7th and 9th grade. I've heard stories of people being made fun of at school, I don't think I'll tell anyone about my being adopted until I'm sure I can trust them. I don't want them feeling sorry for me or treating me differently because of that.
We got in the car and they said that we were going to a sort of "welcome to the family" party. I was wondering if my new family would like me. I hoped they would, I hadn't had a family that loved me for a very long time, I couldn't even remember my actual family. I wondered if they were still alive or if they had been taken. I also wondered if there was anyone in this world besides us that had abilities. That would be great, we could fit in with them and then we could become powerful enough that maybe the Heaters would leave us alone.
We arrived at my new grandmother's house and walked inside. Mom and Dad were bombarded with tons of questions, like "Why did you get three kids?" and "Are they related?" They answered with things like "All three of the kids seemed to go together" and "I don't think they're related, but if you want to know ask them". All heads turned towards us, it was silent for a while. No one spoke until I spoke up. "My name is Elaine, this is Carter, and this is Kandace. We are not related, but ever since they came to the center we stayed together. Right before they came and adopted us some of the other kids had locked us out, so we were waiting until the morning when we came back. That was the day that they came." I smiled shyly as my whole family looked at me in awe. The one who I think was my grandmother spoke first. She had white hair and pale blue, eyes I could tell that she had blond hair before she got older. "Welcome to the family! I am your grandma and this is. . ." She went on to introduce me to the rest of my family. I had two aunts (and uncles) each of them had two kids, one was my age, one was two years older, one was three and one was 12 months. I couldn't remember all of their names, but I'm sure I'll figure it out, I mean I have forever with them. We ate dinner and hung out with the family and then mom and dad said it was time to go home. They said that tomorrow we would go to school. We got in their black pick-up and drove home.

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