Chapter 17:

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He nodded over at me and the guards came at me, revealing themselves. Kids screamed all around the room. They watched in awe as I transformed. My hair once again black and my eyes bright blue. I flew up and knocked them all out. I told my classmates to calm down, that I was on their side. But there was this girl in my class, whom I hated, that just wouldn't. After I had calmed everyone down and sent them out it was just me, Carter and the girl. She said "Bow down in front of me"

"What?!" I said, "No!"

She smirked and shot fire at me and dragged me across the floor to her, taking care in banging me into every desk and chair. She let go of me. "Bow down to me now." She said calmly. "Yes" I said meekly. She smiled as I walked up to her and bowed down. "Good girl" she said and patted my head. "Now wake up your boyfriend and follow me to the portal, where we will go back" "Yes" I said once again and woke Carter, pulling him along behind me as I followed Queen Nina. He was still groggy from just waking. We followed her to a fire vehicle where all the guards I had knocked out we waiting. We steppes into the vehicle and were dragged to opposite sides of the vehicle. I was hung in the area by my hands and Carter was just chained to the floor.

"Now, before we leave we will be visiting a good friend of yours" She smirked as the vehicle zoomed into the air and flew at hyper speed above America. We were following the coast and in minutes we were at the White House. We walked in, well I say walked, but really Carter and I were dragged. I was screaming and kicking to get away from the guard dragging me. "Silence, foolish child!" The Queen said, but I was having none of that. I had slowed my guard down a good bit behind everyone else.

"I said SILENCE! Do I need to come back there?" I ignored her comment and kept on screaming. She walked back to me and whispered in my ear, "If you don't stop screaming we will have to pay a nice long visit to the all black room" "Yes miss". I silenced myself, sure I just blacked out last time, but this time I wasn't completely sure that would be allowed. I let him drag me silently, unless he let me run into something, then I would whimper. We ended up in the Oval Office, which was taken over by fire guards and in the corner of the room I saw Joey hanging in the air by her hands. They had dressed her like a gardener, in a green little short dress and boy did that clash with her personality. And then one of the guards turned around and I froze.

"When you said I would be happy when you came back, I didn't expect this, my queen" Jack said. "Show me this beautiful bracelets darling" I felt myself being controlled and in seconds my sleeves were pulled down and I was kneeling in front of him. He frowned when he saw Carter's watermark above his fire bracelets. "Now child why are there marks over top of mine. I will have to put more, but for now your fine" He threw a pair of shoes at me, "Get out of those Earth clothes and go get ready." I was brought to a side closet where I saw Joey's human clothes. I got dressed in what I soon realized was a ripped up and torn up dress just like Joey's. Hmmmm I wonder why. "Hurry up in there we have to show the three of you to the nation. They've been waiting."

I walked out and Carter gawked at me, I shrugged. Jack grabbed my arms from behind and Carter and Joey were grabbed by others in a similar manner. We were taken to another room where there were tons of cameras and the flashing lights blinded me. Good thing Jack was dragging me or I would have fallen down by now. I felt myself drop and I blinked my eyes a few times so I could see again There were so many people. "Show them what you guys can do, you first Elaine." I looked around and saw Jack scowling at me, hmm what if I played a little game with them. . .

"What are you talking about? Do you mean my wonderful drum playing skills?" I pulled out my drumsticks from my dress and began drumming on the floor. I went behind the curtain and created a drum set with my power and came back out. I set out a beat and was just going on when I felt Jack's hot/cold behind me. "Use your ability or it will be even worse when you get back"

"Of course, Jack, but I'm already using it."

"You know what I mean Elaine."

"Fine" I mumbled.

I lifted my hands into the air and said "Now, I will show you the ability that my good friend Jack is talking about"

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