Part 2: Chapter 10:

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"What?! What do you mean we're going to Earth, no one has been there since Elena and Mina came here. How are we gonna get there? How will this even work?!" "Slow down, I have a plan. All we have to do is get halfway through the Meadow to where the first gardener was created. Now, I'm going to allow you to bring one person, I will also bring one person. We leave in two days. Be prepared!" " She smiled at me and I thought about who I would choose to bring with me. I could choose Carter or I could choose Katherine. The hard choice was which one should I choose? I walked back to my room and realized that there was no way I could get to Katherine, I was bringing Carter.
I walked into the room and saw that the room was empty perfect I thought I can get all my stuff packed without anyone asking what I was doing, what I'm still wondering is who will I stay with on Earth? I don't know anyone and I don't know if Joey does. I hear someone at the door. . . The doorknob turned and Kandace walked in. "Hey Elaine, how's it goin'?" "It's good whatcha doin' here don't you have to be at your job?" "Yeah, but Joey let me off for break to come relax while the others go on a top secret mission to find out information about two Earth families that we think might've caught on" "Oh" I said, knowing why she really needed to know about the families. Maybe they are catching on to us, but I think I might be staying with them soon. I told Kandace goodbye and she went down to the mess hall for lunch.
I put all my stuff in my duffel bag and hid it under my bed only leaving about five pairs of shoes in my dresser. I looked out the tower window, waiting for Carter to get back to the room. I saw him coming and thankfully he was alone. I watched him as he walked he was tall about 5'10" and he had eyes as dark as the deepest parts of the ocean. His hair was jet-black and was flat and short everywhere except when he spiked it up in the front.
It was right then when I realized how hot he was. He was perfect for me, he was on my tier and everything. I had only known him for a few weeks, but it was worth it. I would never trade any moment of it for a year back home. I was still thinking about him when he walked in. When I finally realized he was in here I saw him across the room staring at me. I didn't know why though because I was just normal, light blue eyes short black hair and I was only 4'11". Why would a perfect guy like him choose a girl like me? My question was not answered because when I started thinking about it my thoughts were interrupted.


She was beautiful as she sat there looking out our room's window in the sunlight. I realized she was staring at me. I loved her, I had a crush on her since I was in 4th grade back home. She had hardly noticed I was there. So when I first got here and saw she was there I decided to help her get out of here as much as I could. When I got in the room she was still looking out the window, I don't know if what she was thinking about was me. She seemed very happy though. She must've just now noticed I was there, because she looked at me in surprise and happiness. She was so beautiful, if she liked me then I don't know why that's for sure.
I think I'm gonna kiss her, she looks like she's trying to figure something out and she won't be moving anytime soon. I leaned towards her and let my lips kiss her cheek. I know that's a big move since I don't even know if she likes me, but I had to. As it was happening I knew it was the right move because after she tensed up she calmed down and seemed very happy. The happiness seemed like it was emanating from her, I could feel it all around me. As we backed out of the kiss she looked so happy. I was relieved, and then the unthinkable happened.


I can't believe he just kissed me. What would he do if I kissed him back? Well, I guess I'll find out. I leaned in and I kissed him on the cheek. It felt like fireworks. I think our combined happiness filled the room with an air of happiness. When we pulled out he stared at me and I stared back. Well, with one day left I guessed I ought to tell him.
"Uhhh, Carter? Joey has a plan to get me out of our world and on to Earth. She knows how to do it and I trust her enough to think it will work. The reason this involves you is that she said I could bring one person. . .and I was wondering if you would come" he looked at me in awe and then said "Of course I'll come. . .as long as you will be my girlfriend" "Of course Carter, I was hoping you would ask me!" Then he leaned in and he kissed me again,nut this time on the lips it felt perfect, like it was meant to happen. I looked into his eyes and giggled "We leave tomorrow in the middle of the night so I guess we need to pack. Tomorrow morning both of us are coming to a briefing on the plan" "Ok" he said smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen.
I watched him as he walked over to his dresser which was right next to mine and grab his clothes. I sat down on my bed and played with my thumbs. Then, I heard Jack's heat/cold coming down the hall towards us and I knew Carter sensed it too, because he tensed up. I whispered to Carter that there was something I had to tell him later. Then, I braced myself for what was yet to come.

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