Chapter 24:

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"No! Leave Carter alone!" I screamed struggling to go back to my room crying. Jack was getting annoyed so he dragged my struggling body to a room I knew all too well. It was the room I was taken to when I first got here and I just hated what I knew would happen next.

"Little princess, I believe you know where to go" I solemnly walked behind the black glass and waited. This wasn't so bad since I would knock out and then wake up later. "I know what you're thinking hun and you won't be knocking out so easily this time"

I sat there waiting for the flames to reach out for me. I had this feeling it wouldn't just be me not crying and the darkness taking me. I would be begging for mercy on my knees before this was over. His hands reached through the holes and I saw the flames appear at the edges of the room before I felt them. I cried out and he walked in through the fire, smirking.

"Get on your knees, plead for mercy, then maybe I will help you" I sunk to my knees and in between sobs I pleaded.

"Jack please!! Stop it, stop the pain. I can't stand it if it's what you want I'll be yours. You can have me. As long as Carter lives I don't care. Please!!!" I begged as the darkness threatened to take me.

"Fine, but you're not mine. I just think you did a great job at being a damsel in distress" The flames receded. "Let's go princess" As we walked I used the small bit of healing powers I got from Carter to heal my burns as I walked back, following Carter without a single pause. We got to Ms.Lee's rooms and I walked in and almost screamed from the shock that went down my arm.

"You're late and I know for a fact it is not Jack's fault" I whimpered and nodded.

"You are correct Ms.Lee it was completely and utterly my fault I just hope that you may forgive me"

"That's right princess, respect your elders now let's continue and finish with dancing. I will count mistakes and we will be done afterwards" She said and pointed at Jack. He spoke and I responded in Spanish and then we began to dance. We did the dance number so many times my feet felt like they were bleeding, but we had perfected it.

"We are done now, I hope you do well in Renan. You messed up thirty times, but that is not too bad because we have been here for three hours. Goodbye darling, sleep well tonight you have to leave tomorrow" All I thought about as she talked was Layn and Carter. I was so worried about Carter that it wasn't even funny. I walked out of the room and Jack walked next to me.

"Go to your room I will meet you there" Jack said, I walked briskly to my room as Jack turned into his room on the way. I got there and walked in and saw Carter in the same spot before, still tied up, but he was asleep now. I used all my energy to calm the flames restraining him. He was free and I gently woke him up.

"What did Layn do to you Carter?" I said, I was so worried and I knew Carter could tell from my tone that I was worried.

"Nothing, he just said he wanted nothing to do with me and left. Why do you have to be so protective, I can take care of myself?" Right then I knew something was up. Layn had done something to Carter, but I was going to pretend I didn't notice until Jack or Layn told me because I knew they would. I felt Layn's presence beforehand saw him in the doorframe.

"Why didn't you tell me you were the princess, your highness. And you didn't tell me that your leaving tomorrow for your home country. I have good news though. Your mother said that I get to go with you as your protector" I looked at him and mentally face palmed because I know I looked unhappy that he was coming. "Do you not wish for me to come? I am four times stronger than the average human and I can keep you very safe princess"

"I would love for you to come I just think we started off on the wrong foot. You know the whole I am a vampire and I'm gonna drink your blood and make you watch. Wasn't the best start" I said to him and I hoped that he would say something to me about Carter.

"You will learn to love me. I know you will, especially since I have made sure that your little friend here tells you his deepest darkest thoughts" Layn said to me happily.

"What do you mean "love you"?" I was worried now, I love Carter and I always will, but maybe there's a way I can get Layn to get him to leave Carter alone and to take off the curse he put on him.

"I mean that you will love me. We will go back to my world and you will be mine"

A/N Ooooooo this just got real!!!! The picture is of all of the characters thus far. Plz vote and comment so I know if u like the book!!

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