(1) If I could tell her.

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After another day helping Gibbs catch the bad guys, Jacqueline Sloane was in her office looking over her profiles from the case before she left, she stacked them on desk, grabbed her purse and was leaving her office for the night, night because it had been an hour sense sunset. On her way out she bumped quite literally into Gibbs.

"Hey Jack, you okay?"

"Oh sorry Gibbs didn't see ya there." Jack patted Gibbs shoulder then said. "I guess your going for the day too, huh?"

"Yep, you wanna walk together to the parking lot?"

"Sure Gibbs, love too."

"Hey Jack Thank you for your help on the case." Gibbs said pressing the button for the elevator.

"Any time Gibbs, it is my job after all." *Ding* Jack smiled at Gibbs when he gestured for her to go in first. "Oh thanks." She walked inside, Gibbs followed.

"You where right." Gibbs said as he pushed the first floor button.

"Me? What was I right about, huh? Right that you would need more coffee this afternoon?"

"Well yes, thank you Jack for the coffee, but I meant before; when you said I would like to having you around."

"Of course you like a good fight..."

"Well...no just glad we met."

"Aww why thank you Cowboy." The elevator doors opened and they walked outside.

"See ya later partner." He pretended to tip a cowboy hat to her then he unlocked his truck.

"Is poker still on for Tomorrow night?" Jack asked stepping off the curb and walking to her car that was parked next to his.

"Yep. You, me, Tobias, Leon and dr Grace." Gibbs opened the door and took a seat.

"Oh..Hey wait..." Jack says hesitantly as she unlocked her car.

"Yes Jack.." Gibbs looks at her.

"Just uh... Drive safe Gibbs...."

"Okay, is that all?" He asked.

"No, I'm glad we met too."

"Okay see you tomorrow Jack." Gibbs closed his door, pulled out of the parking space and drove way.

"Uhhh! No Gibbs that's not it! I think I'm in love you. Uh!" Jack shouts after she knows there is no way he could hear her then she sits silently in her car griping the Steering wheel in frustration.

Meanwhile in Gibbs car:

"Why can't I tell her?" Gibbs stoped his truck at the red light.

"I don't know, Probie?"

"Oh Mike, why are you here?"

"Don't ask me Probie you're the one seeing dead people, not me." Mike Franks said as he sat in the passenger seat. "What are you talking about anyway?"

"It's Jack."

"Jack who? Oh your Jack." Mike looked Gibbs in the face. "That pretty blonde profiler, the one who calls you cowboy. That one?"

"Yes, that beautiful blonde profiler Jack.." Gibbs sighed.

"Huh? Well you act like you like her but.." Mike crossed his arms.

"But what Mike!?" The light turns green, Gibbs starts driving.

"Does she know?"

"I can't tell her she'll get hurt, the people I love always do." Gibbs said in defeat.

"Oh so you like being alone, Leroy, is that it?" Mike Franks disappeared, but now Gibbs had Diane in his truck.

"Oh so now I have to deal you, huh?"

"Yes. Or are you just afraid of officially braking one of you rules?"

"Ugh!! Diane please just stop it okay, it's been a long day!"

"Oh all right." Diane leaned back in the chair.

Most of Gibbs drive was in silence.

Jack was on her way home. "Oh..." Jack exhaled in defeat. "We've talked about everything else, why can't I just tell him? What would I even say? Oh hi there Gibbs how's your morning? Good? That's great, oh by the way I just thought I would tell you that when I am with you everything is right with the world, you've told me your darkest secrets and I've told you mine, oh yeah and I love you! Arg!" What's wrong with me?" Jack pulled in her driveway and turned off her car, she grabbed her purse off the passenger seat then got out and locked it. She  walked up the driveway to the front door of her empty house, the sound of the silence ring though out the house, as Jack unlocked and opened the front door, dropped her purse on the small table by the door then she closed it. Jack took off her heels by the door and turned on a light. Sense it was late Jack heated up some leftovers and ate dinner then walked to her bedroom changed then she went to bed.

Gibbs had made it home as well, after a argument with his dead ex wife Diane about his feelings. He walked inside his house turned on a light, found something to eat then he walked down stairs for some much needed basement time. After a couple of hours he went to bed.

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