(7) "Accidents" and elephants

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"Wake up Cowboy!" Gibbs woke up, he was laying on the beach with Jack in a wetsuit kneeling over him, shaking his shoulder. He gazed up at her, she looked beautiful with the sunrise behind her head and her wet hair simply glowing in the morning sunlight.

"You look beautiful!" He smiled.

"Aww Thank you, honey." Jack said as she curled a bit of his gray hair around her finger. "You don't look so bad yourself."  She leaned close to his face and kissed him on the lips, Gibbs wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest. They laughed together.

Gibbs was happy, a kind of happy he hadn't felt in years. Jack was happy too he could see it in those beautiful brown eyes of hers as she rested her head on his chest, Gibbs ran his fingers though her blonde hair as they lay there on the beach. "I love you Ja...."

"Boss? Hey boss wake up!"

Gibbs was pulled out of his dream by McGee standing over the left of him, in front of the window. he shook Gibbs shoulder again.

"McGee why are you here?" Gibbs asked he was gonna need a very good reason why he was awake and not dreaming about the beach and Jack.

"Well boss earlier this morning Kasie found some different colored paint chips in the driver's side door of Jack's car and I thought you should know."

Still half asleep and with his eyes closed Gibbs asked. "Did she find the make and model?"

"Yes boss Kasie did and..."

"Okay, I know, now what?" Gibbs snaps, he was tired and worried about Jack. "I didn't mean to snap it's just...." Gibbs looked over at Jack and gently touched her left hand.

"I know Gibbs, we are all worried about her. Torres and Bishop are running down some of the cars I should join them." McGee started to walk out the door.

"Bye McGee, and thanks for understanding." Gibbs weaved to him.

"Once we know more we'll let you know. Do you want the door open or.."

"Just leave it cracked open."

"Okay bye boss." McGee left. It was just Gibbs and Jack in her room. Gibbs got up and walked to the window, he sighed, he stood there for a some time just looking out. * knock*knock* Gibbs looked at the reflection of the door in the window and said. "Yeah.."

"Hi you must be Gibbs, the night shift nurses told me you would probably be in here. Well I'm Heather." The nurse said with a smile. "I'll be working on this floor so if you need something ask the desk for me." She walked to Jack and checked her over.

Gibbs walked from the window to the bed. "Is she doing any better?"

"Well my shift just started, but the doctor will make his rounds in about a couple hours he'll have more info then I do now. Oh on a side note do you recall if Agent Sloane woke up at all last night?"

"No, she didn't I'm a light sleeper. I would have noticed."

"Oh okay. Huh. She should have woken up from the anesthesia by now."

"Does that mean something's wrong?!"

"Not necessarily, sometimes some people need more time for the anesthesia to wear off but to be careful I'll ask the doctor to check on her first thing." Heather said before she left.


"Yeah Nick, I left hospital about 15 minutes ago. I got a text from Kasie, I'll check on her and then I'll meet you there." McGee said walking from his car t on the building entrance.

"Okay Tim." Nick said over the phone.

"Hold on McGee! How's Jack? And of course how's Gibbs doing?" Bishop sounded worried over the phone.

"Well Gibbs is.... I think he's really worried about her." The elevator doors open and McGee walks inside.

"Okay how's Jack?"

"I don't know, I wasn't able to ask, maybe we can visit her later." McGee said exiting the elevator.

"Okay bye McGee."

"Bye Nick, Ellie." McGee said before he ended the call as he entered the garage.

"McGEE!!! I found something in Jack's car!!" Kasie ran up to him and pulled him to the car.

"Whoa.. Kasie what did you find?"

"Okay so, as I was looking over Jack's car I found this!" Kasie pointed to the car.

"I already know about the other car's paint chips in the door."

"Right sorry, look at this!" Kasie directed McGee  engine of the car and she pointing to the broken brake line.

"That's not good, Jack's break line broke, but sometimes they do that."

"That's true Agent McGee sometimes they do but I know less then a week ago Jack had her car in the shop and she had the break line replaced." Director Vance said walking to them.

"Are you guys saying you think Jack was targeted? We.. I should tell Gibbs."

"No agent McGee he's got enough to worry about, may I recommend agent Torres and agent Bishop come back here to help you."

"Good thinking Director, maybe whoever did this was followed Jack, I'll go back up stairs to check security cameras." McGee walked into the elevator.
In the elevator McGee calls Nick and Bishop.

"Yo Tim what's up?"

"The break line in Jack's car was sabotaged, I think she was targeted."

"What!?!" Bishop and Torres said in unison.

"Yeah I think you guys need to get back here, I'm thinking maybe Jack was followed and maybe it has to do with a case."

"Okay we are on our way there!" Nick says.


Gibbs looked at his watch it was now 11:30. he sat next to Jack's bed. Gibbs looked down at his clothes, he was still wearing the same thing he was last night. He thought to himself. Well I should probably get changed. So he grabbed the bag Leon got for him and looked inside; there was a couple of shirts, pants and something wrapped in paper in the corner of the duffel bag. "Huh?" Gibbs took it out of the bag, he unwrapped it. What it was wrapped, was a piece of wood and some tools from his basement, the paper they were wrapped in was a note from Leon, it read. Gibbs thought you'd get bored just waiting so here's some stuff from your basement.

"Thanks Leon, I know just what to carve." Gibbs left the Block of wood and tools in his chair then went to the bathroom to change. When he got back to Jack's side the doctor knocked on the door.

"Yeah come in." Gibbs said as he moved a small trashcan by his chair so he could get carving after the doctor left.

"Hello, agent Gibbs. I'm agent Sloane's doctor, doctor Lewis, one of the nurses said she hasn't woken up yet."

"Yes doctor Lewis, I'm concerned." Gibbs looked at Jack's closed eyes.

"It's not uncommon with this kind of concussion for her to be unconscious, it might only be for couple more hours or a couple of days, we just don't know yet. We're going to run some tests we might know more after."

"There's got to be something I can do for her! Anything." Gibbs gently squeezed Jack's hand.

"Some people say that people that are unconscious or in commas can still hear you, just talking to agent Sloane could help."


"I gotta go agent Gibbs!" Doctor Lewis Quickly left the room.

"Well Jack looks like it's just you and me and I'll have to do all the talking. Well it's not hard you're easy to talk too." Gibbs grabbed the block of wood and said "I think this room could use a elephant. What do you think?" Then Gibbs picked up one of the carving knives and got to work.

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