(18)The Cabin

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Gibbs sat outside on a bench in the park near the navy yard, leaning forward with his head in his hands. "What am I gonna do?" Gibbs remembered how he felt when he told Jack he loved her and when she said those four words that made his heart skip a beat. "I love you too." Echoed in his mind. When he held her close, when she kissed him, the warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in so long. "I can't lose her. I just can't."

"And you won't, Jethro. You and your team will find her." Ducky walked to the bench and sat down.

"Did they find anything?"

"No not yet but I finished the profile on Adams." Ducky patted Gibbs on the shoulder.



"So I've been looking into the traffic cams." McGee says as he turns on the plasma, showing Adams' car driving out of Gibbs' neighborhood.

"Whoa you've got to be kidding the time stamp on that one is from 1:45pm just 15 minutes before we got there!" Bishop said, sounding upset.

"Where did he go after that?" Nick asked.

"I'd like to know that as well agent McGee."

"Well I've mapped out his route as best I could, using what I had of Jack's phone and the traffic cams but this gas station was the last time I saw Adams and his car." McGee points to a small highway near a forest. "He disappeared somewhere here."

At that moment Ducky walks to the bullpen from the elevator.

"How is he Doctor Mallard?" Vance asks, looking at Ducky.

"He's still outside thinking. What do we have here? Why are we looking at highway 37?"

"Because that's where McGee thinks Adams took Jack." Nick said, looking behind at Ducky.

"Then we better call Gibbs because that's near his cabin." Ducky said as he got his phone out and started calling Gibbs.


Gibbs was now in the car on his way to get some coffee. "Maybe it will help." Gibbs thought as his phone started to ring.

"Yeah Duck?"

"The team believes that Adams brought Jacqueline to your cabin and.."

"WHAT!!" Gibbs interrupted. "Have them meet me there!" Gibbs hung up, ending the call and turning the car around.


"You heard him go!" Vance said.

Then McGee, Torres and Bishop grab their gun and badges then they run to the elevator.

"It makes sense that Adams took Jacqueline to the cabin, not only is it extremely secluded but also when he was a child the first time he spent time with his step brother Jeremy was when they went camping in California."

"Really Dr Mallard?"

"Yes Director and that reminds me of one of the first cases I worked on here at NCIS, it was this young petty officer he....."


"Sorry Jacqueline I'll be right back." Adams smiled putting his hand on her back then he walked by the table leaving something on it before he opened the wooden door and walked out of the room.

"Ugh!" Jack sighed as she watched him leave. "Come on Gibbs where are you?..." Then she saw what Adams put on the table, it was a small knife.

"Why not." Jack thought to herself. Jack started to lean to the table to get it so she could cut herself free.

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