(3) Coffee for two

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"Hey boss, Kasie and I ran the program and the typing pattern is consistent with Wallace."

"So he wrote it then McGee?" Gibbs asked as he walked down the stairs from Jack's office.

"Well according to the program, it's 98% sure Wallace wrote it." McGee said as he sat at his desk. "I'll start doing though his social media accounts."

"Okay Tim I'm going for some coffee."

"And when you get back we'll give a  sit-rep."

"Yep." Gibbs walked to the elevator.


*ding* The elevator doors swooshed open and Gibbs walked out holding two coffees.

"Gibbs, Wallace was not a social butterfly, none of his neighbors really knew him." Bishop said.

"That actually makes a lot of sense."

"Hey Jack." Gibbs said looking up at Jack as she starts walking down to the bullpen.

"Hi Gibbs." Jack Stood next to Gibbs. "Every time Wallace would get close to someone, he would push them away." After Jack said this Gibbs hands one of the coffees to her, they both take a sip. "Nope, not mine. Switch?"

"Yep." Gibbs said, switching cups with Jack.

"Thank you Gibbs, where was I?"

"How Wallace was not social." Gibbs took a sip of his coffee.

"Well, after his parents death he broke up with his girlfriend, he pushed people away. In his words. 'The people I love die so why even try?'"

"Wow." Nick said.

"Where did he say that?" McGee asked.

"A diary app on his phone." Jack said. "From what I could tell he was planning to end his life for a while."

"How long?" McGee asks.

"I think about three weeks. Why?" Jack turns to look at McGee.

"Because three weeks ago his commanding officer recommended that he retire."

"Oh maybe he committed suicide so he would have to retire. Sorta.." Bishop said.

"What a second! Ellie wasn't Wallace's high school reunion three weeks ago too?"

"Yeah Nick it was!"

"Oh my! I think it's starting to all come together!" Jack said with excitement.

"What is Jack!" Gibbs looked at her.

"Sorry Gibbs, he mentioned something about his old girlfriend was at the high school reunion."

"What did Wallace say about her?" McGee asked.

"Well.... the day before the reunion he sounded excited to see her again and how maybe even how this was fate telling them  to get back together...but.."

"But what!" Nick and Ellie said in unison.

"Well... the day after.. he just looked so hopeless and miserable, he just kept talking about how maybe some people are just meant to be alone." Jack looked down at her coffee.

"That's so sad." Bishop said, looking at Nick.

"McGee, Palmer is probably done with the petty Officer now."

"Right boss." McGee left the bullpen.

"I'll go talk to the ex girlfriend."

"Can I come with you Gibbs?" Jack asks with a smile.

"Of course, we can take my car." Gibbs grabs his badge and gun from his desk.

"Yo Gibbs what do we do?"

"Go to autopsy." Gibbs as he starts walking quickly to the elevator. Jack walks at a more civilized pace, Gibbs keeps the doors open for her then they leave.

"So he got her coffee huh?" Nick says with a smile.

"Yes he did." Bishop smiled right back.

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