(16)Not Done With You Yet

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What are you doing here?" Jack asks in surprise.

"Well I wanted to visit so I went by the hospital and they said you were already discharged."

"Yeah but how'd you know I'd be at Gibbs house?"

"I asked the nurse, who picked you up, she said it was Gibbs so I guessed you'd be here."

"Well you guessed right come on in Faith." Jack smiled then they walked to the couch and sat down. "Can I get you some coffee or something?"

"No thank you." Faith said looking at Jack's left arm.

"Oh I see, Faith it's not as bad as it looks. Yes my arm is in a sling but my doctor says I won't need it in a week or two. If you don't want any I'll just make some coffee for me." Jack stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Wait hold on maybe I do want a cup!" Faith followed Jack.

After a while of talking over their coffee Faith seemed tired so Jack asked. "Hey Faith are you doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm just a little sleepy. I had to work the night shift last night, but I'm okay." Faith smiled.

"Are you sure? Speaking from personal experience, it's dangerous to drive when you're falling asleep."

After a few minutes of convincing Faith decided to head home. Jack walked Faith to her car and they hugged and said their goodbyes.

"Bye Jack see ya soon." Faith started her car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Goodbye Faith drive safe." Jack smiled and waved then walked back to the door.

Meanwhile across the street. *knock*knock*

"Yes can I help you young man?" Mrs Parker asked the man at her door.

"I'm looking for Mr Gibbs, I think I got his mail by mistake." The man flashed her an envelope so quick she couldn't get a good look at it. "You wouldn't happen to know him would you?"

"I'm sorry but what did you say your name was?" Mrs Parker asked him.

"I didn't, can you tell me where he lives...." the sound of Faith driving away made him turn around to see Jack wave then go back inside. "Never mind, I need to be going, thanks for your help ma'am." He went back to his car and drove around the block.

After this odd conversation mrs Parker went to her phone to call Gibbs.

Inside Gibbs house, Jack closed the door behind her. Then getting little cold she decided to borrow a jacket or something from Gibbs, so she walked up the stairs to his bedroom.

She looked around the clean room and said to herself. "Not bad for a Marine." Then she saw on the corner of Gibbs' bed was a blue flannel shirt, Jack walked over to it and picked it up, she laughed because it smelled like him, her Cowboy and of course sawdust. "Perfect." She said, then she gently took off her sling being careful of her shoulder, put it on the bed, carefully she put her left arm in the oversized sleeve then she put her other arm in and then the sling back on.


After parking his car on the next street over Adams walked back to Gibbs' house. He looked in a window on the side of the house and when he saw Jack walk up the stairs he went to the front door.

The front door slowly opened, Adams looked around quietly just to make sure Jack was indeed up stairs. He hid then took out his phone.


The siren screamed, Gibbs drove faster then McGee had ever seen he drive, then a thought popped in his head. "He's driving like Ziva!"

But McGee was pulled out of his own thought by Gibbs saying. "Tim can you ping her phone?!"

"Of course boss, but why?"

"To make sure she's still there!"

"On it Gibbs." McGee got the computer and started pinging Jack's phone. A few seconds later McGee said. "Um yeah boss according to this she's still at your house."

"Good." Gibbs said in a slightly calmer voice.

McGee's phone got a text from Bishop, it read. 'Tim how's Gibbs?'

McGee answered. 'He's worried about Jack.'

'Of course he is, it's Jack we are talking about here.'


'Yeah well we will see you there.'

'Ok bye Ellie.'

'Bye Tim.'


"Hey Jack!"

Hearing Gibbs' voice Jack put her phone in her back pocket and walked down the stairs to find him, she was wearing his flannel shirt over her t-shirt. "Hey Cowboy! Where are ya? Do you remember the Chinese food? Gibbs?"

"Hey Jack!"

It sounded like he was in the kitchen so that's where Jack went. "So what do I have to find you now?"


Jack smiled. "Well then, when I do will I get a prize? Oh maybe a kiss from my Cowboy?" She walked in the kitchen.

"Sounds good with me."

Everything went dark.


Gibbs parked the car, a second later Torres parked on the side of the road. Gibbs, McGee, Bishop and Torres ran up to the front door, Gibbs signaled for McGee and Nick to go around to the back of the house and so they did with their guns in hand.

"Bishop on my six."

"On it Gibbs."

Gibbs slowly opened the door, he walked inside with Bishop right behind him.

"Hey Jack?" Gibbs called out hoping he was wrong. He signaled for Bishop to check upstairs, she nodded and walked upstairs.

"Hey Jack!" Gibbs walked to the kitchen looking for her.

"Boss there's no sign of Jack." McGee walked to Gibbs.

"D*mm it!" Gibbs threw the chair in front of him in anger.

"What do we do now Gibbs?" Bishop asked attempting to clam him down by putting her hand on shoulder.

"I....don't know..."

Suddenly a sound broke the silence of the room.


It was Gibbs' phone, he got a text.

Gibbs took the phone out of his back pants pocket and opened it. "McGee." He handed his phone to Tim then he sat in the other chair.

"Sure boss.... ummm Gibbs it's from Jack."

"What! Is she okay?" Gibbs shot up to look at his phone.

The first message said. 'Hey Gibbs eta?' The second said. 'Never mind coming down.'

"What she she talking about McGee?!"

"I don't know boss."


Nathan drove his car out of Gibbs' neighborhood.

He stopped at a stop sign and looked at the back, where Jack was laying unconscious on the back seat. "Sorry agent Sloane, but I'm just not done with you yet."

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