(9) The girlfriend

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A few moments later Fornell come back with a nurse. "Hi agent Sloane, I'm Heather, it's nice to see your awake, how are you feeling?"

"Well my left side hurst." Jack moved her hand to her ribs. "Ow... and my shoulder. You can call me Jack." Jack winced in pain when she moved shoulder.

"Okay Jack, your doctor is on his way and it's nice to meet you." Heather smiled then left the room.

"How long was I out for?" Jack asked Gibbs.

"The longest 19 hours if my life." Gibbs smiled slightly.

"Hi I heard that someone's awake." Doctor Lewis walked in the room. "Pleasure to finally meet you agent Sloane, I'm Doctor James Lewis. Are you having any pain anywhere?"

"Yeah my left shoulder and my left ribs."

"Well 2 of your ribs are broken on your left side, your shoulder badly bruised and you have a mild concussion, speaking of do you have a headache or have you been lightheaded at all or any discomfort anywhere else?"

"I don't think so, how long do I have to stay in here for?" Jack asked.

"Well a couple more days maybe a week."

"Really that long?"

"Possibly agent Sloane."

"Hey Jack I'm going to call the team to tell them the good news."

"Okay Cowboy." Jack smiled at him.

Gibbs smiled, then left the room. "No Tim we're okay. Actually we are better than okay. Jack's awake...."

"That's great! But I have something to tell you too."

"McGee why do you sound upset? What's going on?!"

"Well boss we don't have all the facts yet but.... what happened to Jack wasn't a accident."

"What!? What do you mean McGee?"

"Boss I think it would be easier if you were here."

"Well I'm not and I don't want to leave Jack right now."


"Well I'm not and I don't want to leave Jack right now." Gibbs said to McGee over the phone.

"I know boss." McGee said.

"Agent McGee is that Gibbs?" Leon said as he walked down the stairs to the bullpen.

"Yes, he said Jack is awake now."

"That's wonderful I was just on my way to see her." Leon walks by McGee.

"Is that Leon?" Gibbs asked.

"Yeah boss, he's on his way to see you and Jack."

"Okay bye Tim."

"Good bye Gibbs." McGee ends the call.

"Tim! Tim! Tim!" Kasie ran in the bullpen with Nick following her. "Tim you are never going to believe this! Never..."

"What am I never going to believe? Just tell me."

"Yeah sorry about that, when I get excited I just go on and on..." McGee looked at Kasie as she kept talking. "Okay no rambling, Nick and I where looking into when Jeremy Taylor was in California state prison but..."

Nick finished Kasie's sentence. "Get this! The dude was killed in a prison fight 2 months ago there this no way Taylor did this."

"Thanks Nick ya stole my thunder." Kasie added.

"He couldn't but he did have a girlfriend at the time." Bishop said as she walked to the bullpen holding a file in one hand and a chip bag in the other.

"Where were you Bishop?" McGee asked.

"Break room duh, I did some digging and and Taylor also had a brother but he's still lives in California but the girlfriend moved to D.C. a year after Taylor's trial."

"Huh isn't like 6 months after Jack?"

"Yes Nick it is." Bishop sounded concerned.

"I was on the phone with Gibbs, he's Jack's awake."

"Really? That's great news, we should go by and see her soon." Bishop said.

"We will but for now let's look into that girlfriend." McGee sat at his desk.


Fornell got a call from Emily, she needed him to come back to their house so he said his good byes and left, a few minutes ago. It was now just Gibbs and Jack in her hospital room. Gibbs sat next to the bed as they talked.

"So rule 12 huh?" Jack sat up in the bed.

"Rule 12?" Gibbs asked as he crossed his arms and looked at her, pretending not to know what she talking about.

"Rule 12 the one about not dating coworkers?"

"Technically it's never date a coworker, and how do you about that one it never came up around you?"

I may have asked McGee what your rules were and he may have given me a copy of all of the ones he knew, even though I think that rule 12 is completely arbitrary."

"You think so?" Gibbs smiled.

"Yes I do, let's see agent Dinozzo and Ziva, Tim and Abby I know they're not dating now but I know they did, and I think Ellie and Nick. Not to forget you and I." Jack leaned over to Gibbs and grabbed his hand.

"Oh so its official then is it?" Gibbs got up and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Only if you want it to be Cowboy."

Gibbs leaned in closely to Jack and said. "Yeah I think I do." He kissed her on the lips and she kissed right him back. It wasn't a quick peck that's for sure. Gibbs gently wrapped his arms around her as they kissed. Jack lifted her arms to hug Gibbs.

"Ow.." Jack slightly pulled away from Gibbs.

"Are you okay?" Gibbs asked looking into Jack's brown eyes.

"Yeah I think so, I just moved my shoulder the wrong way." Jack said as she rubbed her left shoulder.

"Okay." Gibbs said, he looked at the window seal and saw the little elephant he left there. "I wanna show you something." Gibbs stood up and walked to the window, grabbed the little thing in his hands and walked back to Jack's bed, he sat down next to her with his back to the door, then he opened his closed hands.
"I made this for you when I was waiting for you to wake up."

"You did? It's the elephant in the room." She picked it up from his hands and studied it in her hands, she felt every little detail of it. "I love it and here I thought you only made boats."

"Jack...." What she said made him smile. "I hoped you'd like it."

*Knock* knock*

"Yeah come on in." Jack said, then Vance walked in.

"Hey, Jack how are you doing?"

"Well I'm fine for the most part, Gibbs has been keeping me company." She turns to look at Gibbs, Leon looks at her then at Gibbs and smiles to himself.

"Hey Jack I need to check on the team."

"I didn't know you had a case? What happened?"

"Gibbs you haven't told her?" Leon asks as he sits down on the chair next to the bed.

"Not yet."

"Leon? Gibbs what is you guys talking about?"

"Your accident wasn't an accident." Gibbs said.

Frustrated Jack asks " What the h*ll does that mean?!"

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