(17)The Scars That Just Don't Heal.

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"Bishop, Torres, you process the scene. McGee with me."

"Ok Gibbs." Torres answered.

"Ah Gibbs to clarify you want us to process your house?"

"Yes Bishop. It's the scene of the kidnapping." He walked out of the kitchen then out of the house so he couldn't be asked any more questions. He stopped at the car. "Her kidnapping.." Gibbs said to himself.

"Hold up boss!" McGee followed him. "What do you need me to do?"

"Ping her cellphone. That's your super power isn't it, Elf lord." Gibbs opened the car door and started it.

"Okay boss." McGee got on the passenger side.


McGee was at his desk, Gibbs was at his desk too.

The elevator doors opened and an older man walked to the bullpen. "Hello Jethro, it's good to see you although I do wish it was under better circumstances."

"Duck?" Gibbs looked up from the folder he had on his desk

"Yes Jethro, Director Vance called me and told me about Jacqueline. I'm here to help."

"Can you profile Nathan Adams?"

"Well I'll be a bit rusty but yes. Where do I go?"

"Jack's office, come on." Gibbs stood up and put the folder back in the box, he started walking to the stairs with the box.

"On your six, Jethro, as you would say."

"Okay Duck." Gibbs smiled slightly at his old friend.


"Okay I processed the front door and entryway how's the kitchen going?"

"Well Nick I'm pretty much done, I checked the back door for fingerprints. there's no blood or signs of a struggle so that's good right?"

"Yeah Ellie it is." Something under the cabinet caught Nick's attention. "Bishop what's this?" Nick picked up a folded cloth napkin with his gloved hand.

"I don't know but here." Bishop opened an evidence bag and Nick dropped it inside. "Let's get this evidence to Kasie."

"Ok Bishop."


Adams was driving, the car hit a bump that knocked Jack off the seat and onto the floor.

Jack woke up, seeing that she was on the floor of a car and not in Gibbs's kitchen, she got her phone out of her back pocket but then Adams looked back to check on her.

Jack dropped the phone and pretended to still be unconscious.

Adams then said out loud. "Ha. I should drive more carefully." His eyes went back to the road.

Jack thought to herself. "What am I going to do?"

Suddenly the car stopped sending her phone sliding underneath the back seat far enough that she couldn't get to it.

"Ah.." Jack moaned in pain, the sudden stop made her left shoulder and side thump into the seat.

"Oh sorry about that Special Agent Sloane, but you really shouldn't be up yet." Adams takes a cloth, puts something on it and then tries placing it over Jack's face, she attempts to stand or at least move but Adams Shoves her left side into the back seat.

"Ah! What the h*ll..........." As Jack was distracted by the pain Adams put the cloth over her face, after a few seconds she's out once again.

"Ha. Sorry about that but I had to special agent Sloane I can't have you knowing where we're going." Adams said in a chillingly calm way.

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