(11) As you wish

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*Knock*Knock* "Jasmine Burns we're Ncis?" McGee demanded.

"Jasmine we need to talk to you." Bishop added.

"You'd better come back tomorrow." A woman's voice called out to them from down the hall of the apartment building.

"Why's that?" Nick asked.

"Because she should be back then and before ya cops ask, no I don't know where she goes all night, capeesh?" The woman said, looking at them.

"Can we ask you a couple of questions Ma'am?" McGee looks back at the late middle aged woman.

"First off do I look like a ma'am? Actually don't answer that, and second she's one of my best tenets so I don't wanna get my Jaz in trouble I don't think so. Goodbye!" The woman directed them back to the stairs of the old apartment building when a baby started crying from the room the woman came out of moments before.

"What was that?" McGee asked.

"Not a thing goodbye, ciao, have a nice day." She moved the 3 agents closer to the stairs, turned around and walked quickly back to her room.

Bishop followed the woman to the room and opened the door. "Please can we ask you a question or two?"

"Technically ya all ready did." She said holding a baby in her arms. "Look she will be here tomorrow just come back when she's here okay?"

"Here, can you give me a call when Jasmine gets back, please." Bishop hands the woman one of her cards then she leaves closing the door.

"So what did she say Bishop?"

"Nothing really, but I gave her a card so she might call."

"Really? That's all we got? What are you going to tell Gibbs, Tim?"

"Nick, I thought we are a team? I'm not telling Gibbs that we've got nothing on who tried to kill Jack!"

"Guys calm down we may not have to tell him anything yet." Bishop says as she points to a sign from the across the narrow street, that said. 'Apartments available for rent.'

"Oh... that's good Ellie I could kiss you.... not that I would.. I mean I'm sure you're a good kisser it's not.. I'm going to shut up now." Nick said, looking at Bishop.

Bishop blinked in surprise then she said. "Yeah... you should." She patted his shoulder as she started walking down the stairs.

"That was painful." McGee said as he and Torres walked down the stairs to the car.

Now that the sun was setting Gibbs' task of finding Jack's spare house key was difficult not that that was easy before.

"Where does she keep it?" Gibbs said to himself, looking under one of the potted plants on the porch. "The rug!" Gibbs lifted up the welcome mat. Gibbs laughed to himself, looking at the key tapped to the underside of the welcome mat.

He unlocked her front door and walked in. Gibbs left the key on the small table next to the door then walked up the stairs then opened the door to Jack's bedroom.

He turned on the light, he walked to the dresser on the opposite side of the room as her bed. Something caught Gibbs eye on the top of the dresser, he picked up the framed picture, he smiled at the picture it was a selfie Jack took when they went to the navy concert together.


"Yeah McGee what do ya got?"

"Well... nothing yet boss but before you say anything she wasn't at her apartment so we're going to steak the place out from across the street, don't worry boss."

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