(12)The interrogation

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McGee yawned as he looked down at his watch. "Well it's 7:00, Nick's turn." McGee got up from the chair and desk by the window to wake up Torres but stopped when he saw her walking in the apartment.

"Nick! Bishop! Wake up guys! Jasmine is here!!"

"What?!?" *Thump* Nick said as he fell off his cot.

"Okay let's go!" Bishop shot out of her cot and grabbed her coat.

Bishop, McGee, and Torres walked in the back door of the building, they quietly walked up the stairs.

They overheard Jasmine say. "Gloria, you are never going to believe this my..."

The woman from yesterday interrupted Jasmine, saying. "Jaz, some navy cops looking for ya. Here they gave me this card."

"Okay whatever it's probably about something stupid my ex boyfriend did." Jasmine said, looking through the mail in her hands. "Did Danny sleep okay last night?" She started walking in Gloria's room, closing the door behind herself.

McGee gestured to the room, the three agents walked to the door and he knocked. "Jasmine Burns, Federal agents, we need to talk to you!"

"I didn't do anything and shut up you'll wake up my kid." Jasmine said as she opened the door.

"Can you come with us? We'd like to ask you some questions." Bishop asked.

"Yeah sure, which ex is it this time?"

"What?" Nick looked at McGee.

McGee shrugged. "Right this way Ms Burns."


When Gibbs opened his eyes a bit, he saw Jack, she was sleeping, with his right arm around her. He smiled at her as she moved closer to his body. Gibbs put more of the blanket on her. "There." He whispered quietly then kissed her forehead.

"Thank you Cowboy." Jack said quietly.

"Hey I thought you were sleeping?" Gibbs looked at her.

"I was then I got cold." Jack laughed, finely opened her eyes and looked into his blue eyes.

"Still cold?" Gibbs smiled.


"Okay." Gibbs put his other arm and hugged Jack gently then he kissed her cheek. "Better?"

"Yes." Jack smiled.


"Gibbs can I ask you something?"

Gibbs nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me before that you loved me? I mean when you told me that you love me it sounded like..."

"I felt like that for a while? Yeah I did. Jack, I think I liked you since the day I met you. You don't think I get coffee for everyone do ya?" He smiled.

"Aww." Jack smiled. "But you still haven't answered my question ya know." Jack moved so that she was now laying on her side facing Gibbs.

"Yeah I know, if I tell you, promise you won't say anything to anyone."

"Hey, you know you can tell me absolutely anything and it won't leave this room Cowboy."

"Okay, truth is, I was afraid of losing you. Every time I let myself love, the ones I love got hurt and I didn't want you to get hurt too. But after your accident the only thing I could think about was how much I loved you and how horrible I felt that I never told you."



"I'm glad you told me." Jack kissed Gibbs on the lips and he kissed her back as they kissed Gibbs phone began to ring.

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