(13)The Stalker

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"I don't know." Jack said frustrated at the answers they got from Jasmine.

"Well boss we will go over the evidence again."

"Yeah don't worry Jack we'll find out who did this to you." Bishop said, putting her hand on Jack's right shoulder.


McGee went to his computer and answered Kasie who was video calling. "Hey Kasie is everything okay?"

"Yeah Tim, you guys should come down here now I need to show you something about this car!"

"Okay Kasie we are on our way!" McGee ended the call, he stood up and started walking to the elevator, Torres, Bishop and Jack followed him.

"Jack!" Gibbs called out to her then he walked to the elevator.

The elevator doors opened, McGee, Torres, and Bishop walked inside. "Boss?"

Before Gibbs could say anything, Jack said. "We'll catch the next one." Then the elevator doors closed again.


"Dang! What was that about?" Nick asked with a smile.

"I have no idea." McGee shrugged.

"Really? Come on guys, she clearly wants to talk with Gibbs without us around." Bishop crosses her arms.



"I know and I will go back to the hospital soon, I promise." Jack put her hand on Gibbs crossed arms.

The elevator dinged, the doors open and they walked inside. Jack slipped her hand in Gibbs left hand and said. "I know you're worried because you care, but you don't have too, I feel a little tired but much better."

"I know." He gently squeezed her hand. "But I can't guarantee I'm not going to worry about you though, sorry honey." Gibbs smiled.

"Did you just break rule 6?" Jack smiled slightly at him.

"Jack I've already broke one rule for ya, what's one more." He kissed her hand.

Jack smiled, saying. "Yeah who needs rule 12 anyway." Then she leaned on Gibbs shoulder.

A few seconds later doors opened.

"Jack let's go." He tapped her shoulder gently.

*sigh* "Okay." Jack sighed heavily then she closed her eyes and started to fall to the floor but Gibbs caught her just in time.

"Jack, hey Jack! Are you okay!" He said as he held her in his arms.

"Boss!? What happened?" McGee said as he saw the elevator doors open and see Jack fall into Gibbs arms.

"Don't know. Help me get Jack into the chair!"

"Okay!" McGee got a chair and put it right outside the elevator.

With McGee's help Gibbs put Jack in the chair. Gibbs crouched next to the chair and put his hand on her leg.

She soon opened her eyes and asked. "Uh what happened? Why am I sitting down?"

"Hey Jack, you okay?" Gibbs asked, concerned about her.

"Not really. We were in the elevator and now..? What happened?"

"Don't know Jack we were talking on the way down here then you blacked out."

"McGee can you get me some water?" Jack asked as she stood up.

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