(10) I don't deserve you

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"I honestly don't know a lot, Jack." Gibbs paused for a second then said. "But I do know whoever did this be sorry." Under his breath.

"Leon you have to know something? Who tried to kill me!" Jack said as she pulled up her hospital gown sleeve.

"All I know is Kasie found car paint chips in the dent of the driver's side door, and Gibbs team has been looking into some of your cases."

"You guys think somebody from one of my cases tried to kill me?" Jack looked worried when she said. "That's cr...azy..... Jeremy.... Taylor..."Under her breath.

"What did you say Jack?" Gibbs asked, looking concerned for her.

"Jeremy Taylor, he was a kid I profiled back in San Diego, real piece of work.."

"Why do you say that?" Leon asked.

"Well After he was convicted he sent me letters from prison, after a while I just ignored them."

"All that and all you did was profile him?" Gibbs asked as he gently rubbed Jack's hand.

"Well no, I also testified against him during his trial." Jack fixed her sleeve again.

*ring*ring* Gibbs phone began to ring so he answered it. "Yeah McGee what is it?"

"Well boss is Jack able to answer some questions?" McGee asked.

"I'll ask her. Jack is it okay if McGee ask ya some questions?"

"Of course Gibbs." Jack said as she fixed her sleeve for the 3rd time.

Gibbs turns his phone on speaker. "Go ahead Tim."

"Jack do you remember a cease with a petty Officer Jeremy Taylor."

"Yeah I do." Jack looked at Gibbs and Vance. "Ironically, Gibbs, Leon and I were just talking about him. Oh! Do you guys know that he had a girlfriend she was pretty crazy, she egged my car and she picked a fight with me at the courthouse. I'm pretty sure she spent about an year in jail for that. To be honest I didn't really keep up with them." Jack said as she readjusted her hospital gown again.

"We where all ready looking into her but thanks Jack..." McGee says before Bishop interrupts him.

"Hi Jack are you doing okay?"

"Hey Ellie, yeah I'm good."

"Yo Tim we gotta go I found something!" They heard Nick say over the phone.

"Well it sounds like Nick has something so bye Tim, bye Ellie." Jack smiled.

"Bye!" Bishop said before she ended the call.

*buzz*buzz* "Oh I need to go I'm needed in MTAC, if you guys need anything let me know." Vance says has he stood up and started to walk out the door.

"Okay bye Leon, thanks for dropping by." Jack said.

"Bye Leon." Gibbs said.

"Gibbs?" Jack smiled at Gibbs, ignoring how low the neckline of her gown fell.

"Yeah Jack." Gibbs leaned closer to Jack, he brushed some of her hair from her shoulders and pulled up her gown for her.

"Oh these things..... ugh.." Jack said, resting her head on Gibbs left shoulder as they sat next to each other on the bed she said. "Thanks for that Cowboy."

As he sat next to her, he said. "You're welcome." Then he put his arm around Jack and they leaned back in the bed, with Gibbs's head on the pillow and Jack laying her head on his chest.

She looked up at him with drowsy eyes and said. "I love you."

Gibbs gazed into Jack's closing eyes, his eyes felt heavy with the worry and sleepless he had felt of late that was finally catching up to him, as he looked at Jack falling asleep, so peacefully next to him, he could help but smile. "Love you too." then his eyes closed.


"Yo Tim we gotta go I found something!"

"Well it sounds like Nick found something so bye Tim, bye Ellie." Jack said over the phone.

"Bye." Bishop ended the call then said. "Nick what did you find?"

"Well I've been digging into the girlfriend and get this, Jasmine Burns attacked Jack on her way out of the courtroom the day she testified against Jeremy and for that she was arrested." Nick held up a Jasmine Burns mug shot.

"Wow what happened to her nose?" Bishop asked looking at the Photo.

"Apparently Jack happened." Nick said reading the file.

"What?" McGee asked.

"Here let me." Bishop said taking the file from Nick. "It says here that Jasmine walked up to Jack and started to shout at her and tried to punch Jack BUT Jack elbowed her in the face, dislocating her nose."

"So I did quick search in the database and I found Jasmine's address."
McGee said as he looked at his computer.

"Great McGee I'll see what kind of car she drives." Bishop says.

"Guys I got a text from Kasie, she found out the make and model on the car from the paint chips from Jack's car!" Nick said, looking down at his phone.

That's great, what is it?" McGee asked.

"She says it was from a.."

"Black 2008 Prius?" Bishop asked.

"Yeah... how'd you know?"

"Because that's the car Jasmine Burns drives." Bishop says looking at her computer.

"Okay that's enough to bring her in here for questioning ." McGee says standing up. "Let's go, grab your gear!" Then McGee said under his breath. "I am starting to sound like Gibbs?"

"Yes you are Tim." Nick said, walking past him to the elevator.

but it's fine McGibbs." Bishop said patting McGee's shoulder.

"Thanks...." McGee pressed the elevator button.


"Huh....?" Jack started to wake up as Gibbs tried to get out of the bed.

"Oh? I didn't mean to wake you." Gibbs said as he sat up.

"Well ya did so what are you doing?" Jack asks, opening her eyes a little bit.

"Well I thought you could use some normal clothes so I was going to go to your house and on my way get us some good coffee." Gibbs smiled.

"Aww what did I do to deserve you?" She took his hand.

"Nothing, I don't deserve you. What do you want me to get?" Gibbs smiled a little.

"Um... some pajamas they're in my top drawer on the left of my dresser, a couple of shirts they'll be the next row down and maybe my ncis hoodie, it should be in a chair in the corner, because ya know Hospitals can be cold."

"And your coffee sugar, coffee, more sugar?" Gibbs stood up and started to walk to the door.

"You know me so well." Jack sat up in the bed. "Thank you Cowboy."

"You're welcome Jack." Gibbs looked at Jack then he left.

Gibbs walked to his tuck, sat down and started the engine. *ring*ring*

"Jack are you okay?"

"Oh yes I'm good I just called to make sure you knew my address and how to get there.."

"Yeah I do."

"Oh right last week porker was at house, well please drive safe."

"I will, bye Jack."

"Bye Cowboy."

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