(6) I'll always be here for you

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Gibbs and Leon drove for what seemed like hours but could not have been more then 10 minutes, The rain was coming down so heavy they're only hope was to see the headlights of Jack's car somewhere.

"We have to find her Leon! We have to!"

"We will Gibbs, what did she say on the phone, did she say anything about how far away she was?" Leon put his hand on Gibbs shoulder.

"She said she was 10 minutes out. That's why I been on this road, she always takes it to get to my house."

"Yeah okay, I'll look on my side for her car. Whoa Gibbs!"

Gibbs suddenly stops the truck and looks at the side of the 4 way stop, there was a car with its head lights on. Gibbs jumped out of the truck and ran though the rain to Jack's car. The driver door had a large dent but that's not what Gibbs was looking at, he looked in the window and saw Jack, she was leaning over the steering wheel, probably unconscious. "Jack! Jack can you hear me!" Gibbs knocked on the window.

Jack didn't respond so Gibbs broke the window and open the door from the inside, because the car was locked. He checked if she was breathing, she was. Leon carefully ran down to the car as he called for an ambulance. "Is she..?"

"She's unconscious, but she's breathing." Gibbs said Crouch down next to the car and held her hand.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"I'm the Director of Ncis there was an accident on the 4 way stop on 5th and Second Avenue. We need an ambulance there's a woman she's  unconscious!"

"Yes sir there is one on its way and please stay on the line, is she in immediate danger? If not do not move her the ambulance is 2 minutes out sir."

"Leon! When will it...." Gibbs stoped when he hear the ambulance sirens. He looked in the direction of the sirens then he turned back to Jack and said. "It's going to be okay Jack, I'll be with you." He gently kissed the top of her head.

The ambulance stopped on the road and EMTs got out, they brought a stretcher. Gibbs moved out of the way. "We got a car  accident, one woman injured and unconscious, possible head injury." One EMT called in as he looked over Jack.

"Okay let's move her Jefferson!"

"On it!" They get Jack on the stretcher and in the ambulance. "Do one of you like to ride with us to the hospital?"

"Yeah." Gibbs said as he jumped into the back.

"I'll take the truck." Leon said just before the ambulance doors closed.

For Gibbs the ride to the hospital was a blur, the only thing he could remember one of the EMTs saying something about Jack going to need surgery.

At the hospital, Gibbs sat alone in the waiting room. After a few minutes Leon arrived and silently sat next to him.

"What's taken them so DAMN long in there!?" Gibbs held his head in his hands.

"Gibbs calm down, how long has she been in there for?"

"An hour, 47 minutes." Gibbs stood up and started to pace the room.

Dr Grace and Fornell walked to Leon and Gibbs. "Hey Leon, how's he going?"  Dr Grace asked as she watched Gibbs pace around the room.

"I don't know, I just got here myself."

"Gibbs, I called your team and told them what happened, McGee and Bishop volunteered to look over Jack's car, to figure out what happened, they'll probably check on things here after that."

"Thanks Tobias." Gibbs sat down in a chair, Fornell sat next to him.

About 10 minutes later a nurse comes to them and says. "If one of you will come with me, she's out of surgery."

"Why just one?" Leon asks.

"Well sir, visitor hours are closed and agent Sloane needs to rest."

"Can I see her?" Gibbs asks.

"Yeah Gibbs, go on." Leon says.

"All right sir, follow me." Gibbs and the nurse start walking down the hall to Jack's room.

"What are Jack's Injuries?"  Gibbs asks concerned.

"Her collarbone is bruised, she has 2 broken ribs, her left shoulder is badly bruised and she has a concussion, we are waiting until she wakes up from the anesthesia to get her head scanned. Here's her room." The nurse points to a room.

"Thanks." Gibbs walks in the room he moves a chair next to the bed and says "Hey Jack." He leans over her and gently kisses her forehead.


McGee, Bishop, and Torres arrive at the hospital.

"Hey Director, we drove by where you found Jack and we processed the area."

"Good work McGee, but go home you are all going to need your wits about you tomorrow when you investigate what happened."

"Can I see her." Ellie asks the nurse walking to them.

"I'm sorry, but the waiting room is closed you will have to come back tomorrow." The nurse said.

"Can 1 of us stay?" Leon asks for Gibbs.

"Let me ask I'll be back with an answer." The nurse walks to another nurse talks to him for a minute then she walks back to the group.  "Okay there's no harm in one person staying as long as whoever stays is quiet." The nurse said as she left.

"Gibbs will want to stay, I'll tell him that we're leaving." Leon said as the others start to leave.

"See you in the morning Director." McGee said as he started leave.

Leon grabbed the duffel bag he brought with him and walked down the hallway to where the nurse lead Gibbs. When he got to Jack's room lightly knocked on the door that was barely open. "Hey can I come in?"

"Yeah come in." Gibbs said.

"Has she woken up at all?" Leon asked.

"No, not yet." Gibbs was leaning back in the chair still holding Jack's hand in his.

"Oh.., I talked the nurses into letting you stay overnight, and I got some spare clothes from your house and a blanket on the way here." Leon dropped the bag at Gibbs feet.

"Thanks." Gibbs waved with his free hand. "See ya tomorrow Leon."

"Bye Gibbs."

After Leon left, Gibbs stood up and brushed some hair from Jack's face then he leaned in close, kissed her cheek and said "Good night Jack, your Cowboy will be here when you wake up."

He sat down in the chair next to the bed then he repositioned himself so that his legs where propped up on Jack's bed, he unfolded the blanket Leon brought and stretch over him, leaned back and soon enough he was asleep.

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