(4) Interviewing the Ex

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Gibbs and Jack were in the car on their way to Wallace's ex girlfriend's house when Jack got a call.

*ring* "Gibbs I'm going to take this okay?"

"Yeah go ahead." Gibbs said as he turned the car at the light.

"Hi Jack. It's Faith."

"Oh hey Faith, how's it going?"

"I'm doing good. How are you?"

"Well I'm good too." Jack said, smiling. She was ecstatic Faith called her.

"Hey Jack we're here." Gibbs said, parking the car on the side of the road.

"Sounds like you gotta go." Faith says over the phone.

"Um yeah I do sorry, I'm helping Gibbs on a case."

"Don't be Jack, maybe you and I can get coffee or something after work." Faith said.

"Really?" Jack looks at Gibbs, he smiles and nods."Yeah I can do that."

"Great, how about the Coffee Corner on 5th street at 5:30 pm."

"Great, sounds like a plan, see you then."

"Bye Jack."

"Bye Faith." Jack ends the call.

"Well, looks like someone has plans." Gibbs smiles as he opens the car door.

"Don't worry I'm still coming to your house for poker night." Jack elbows Gibbs playfully.

"Good, it's more fun with you." He smiled, left the car and walked to the house.

"Why does that man walk so fast!" Jack followed him.

*ding*dong* the doorbell echoed though the large house. A moment later they heard a woman say. "Coming." Then a very pregnant woman answered the door.

"Oh...hi Ashley Sullivan." Jack shook Ashley's hand and said. "I'm special agent Sloane and this is special agent Gibbs, we're from NCIS  and we would like to ask you a few questions about your ex boyfriend Andrew Wallace."

"Oh no...! Is he okay?" Ashley looked concerned as she gestured them inside. Gibbs and Jack walked into the the living room and sat down on the couch and Ashley sat on an arm chair next to them.

"We are sorry to tell you that he died this morning...and.." Gibbs said.

"What he's dead? Oh no!" She burst in the tears.

"Ashley honey who was at... honey are you okay?" A man walked down the stairs to her and put his arm around her.

"It's Andy, he died Ryan." Ashley manages to say as she cries.

"Really? How?"

"He um.. we believe he killed himself early this morning." Jack said in a calm voice.

"Can you tell us what you remember about petty Officer Wallace?" Gibbs asks.

"Yes, I'll try agent Gibbs."

"Okay thank you Mrs. Sullivan."

"We started dating our first year of high school, he was so nice and happy. Andy never had too many friends even before the accident, I think we Ryan and I were his only friends."

"You're doing great sweetie." Ryan gently rubbed Ashley's shoulder.

"Everything was all good until....." Ashley stoped.

"I'll take it from here honey. Well agent Gibbs, his parents died in the beginning our senior year. He was a total wreck after that he pushed everybody away, not like there was many of us though."

"Oh, in his diary he mentions the high school reunion, did anything happen that may be important?" Jack asks Ryan.

"Yes." Ashley spoke up. "He seemed happy to see me at first until he saw I am pregnant."

"I don't think he knew till the reunion that we are married."

"Poor Andy... special agents I'm sorry but I need to lie down." Ashley said.

"You've been a great help." Jack says

"I'll show you out." Ryan said, getting up he walked to the front door, Gibbs and Jack followed him.


"Hey McGee, i bet your here for my sit-rep huh?"

"Yep Jimmy I am."

"Us too."  Torres says as Bishop and him walked in.

"In the words of Gibbs. What do ya got Palmer?"

"Wow McGee that's a pretty good impression of Gibbs. Any who, this was definitely a suicide, he conscious when he took the pills and he took them willingly. Not to mention the fact that he had a prescription for them."

"I guess sometimes a suicide is just a suicide." Bishop looked at the dead Petty Officer on Jimmy's table.

"Yes Doctor Palmer, there are just some cases that are exactly what they seem. Rare as that may be in this line of work."

"Dr Mallard, nice to see you!" Jimmy looked at Ducky on the tv screen.

"Pleasure to see you as well dr Palmer, Timothy, Eleanor, Nicolas." Ducky nodded at the agents.

"Good to see you Ducky but we need to call Gibbs." McGee said.

"In that case please give Jethro my regards."

"Of course I will Ducky." McGee said before walking to the door.

"Bye Ducky." Bishop said with a smile then she followed McGee with Nick behind her.

"So dr Mallard how was the Florida Evergreens?"

"Beautiful, dr Palmer, I saw an alligator that had to be 15 feet long he swim underneath my kayak, which of course was quite a bit of alarming but an interesting experience to say the least."

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