enemy of the senate

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'𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗱, 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲, '𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗜'𝗺 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆, 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆.'
-𝗨𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆, 𝗫 𝗔𝗺𝗯𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝘀

he rest of the flight was spent in a tense silence. When the skyscrapers of Coruscant came into view, a sense of dread settled in (Y/n)'s stomach. Something bad was going to happen, but to who and why? Nothing seemed to add up no matter what she theorised and thought. Not only that, but as she exited the ship with Nala Se and Fives in tow, she thought she might've passed out. "You look sick." Shaak said. (Y/n) swallowed a lump in her throat and continued onward into the medical facility. "The evidence can wait if you do not feel well, (Y/n)." 

"The med bay can wait. This...is far more important."

They entered a circular room where only a single light shone in the centre. It illuminated the one figure (Y/n) did not wish to ever see again: The Chancellor. He smiled a smile that did not reach his eyes as he greeted Shaak and (Y/n).

For a moment, it was as if he were looking at prey. His eyes seemed to shine with an amber-y red while his lips curled into a scowl. 
Shaak briefly explained the situation, every now and then motioning to Nala Se or (Y/n). "I trust you've kept this matter extremely confidential." the Chancellor said. (Y/n) wanted to laugh. She had in fact not kept it 'extremely confidential'. Every bit of information she knew sat in a little box in her closet on the planet called Kamino. 

"Of course Chancellor." Shaak replied.
He offered another plastoid smile and folded his hands together. "Ah, good." He kept a trained eye on Fives. "So this is the clone that has caused so much alarm." His personal guard hauled Fives onto a table that stood horizontally. "No," Fives groaned, "you've drugged me. She..."

The Chancellor held out his hands as if to soothe him. "There, there soldier, don't strain yourself." He motioned to his guard as (Y/n) subtly glared at him. "Let him down." The restraints receded back into the table. Fives cautiously stepped down and rubbed at his sore neck. He looked almost sober, but the way he fought to stay on his feet said otherwise. 

"Now soldier," the Chancellor said, "what brings you before me?"

"The chips, sir." Fives firmly answered. The Chancellor raised a brow. "Chips?"

Shaak took a step forward and held out the transparisteel slides. "These were removed from both clone troopers. Clone trooper Fives and Padawan (L/n) claims they are the cause of the problem." The Chancellor gladly took the slides from Shaak. For a split second, (Y/n) could have sworn she saw him sneer. "Those are inhibitor chips." Nala Se said. "Which are placed in clones to make them less aggressive and more compliant to orders. I've tried to explain to this clone that they are placed in him for his own good, but he removed his chip nonetheless."

There was a spike of anger in Fives's aura. "Our 'own good'?" he demanded. "This thing they put in us malfunctioned in clone trooper Tup. I removed his and analysed it; there were signs of rapid decay." (Y/n) placed a hand to her head to soothe an incoming headache. "I agree with Fives." (Y/n) slowly piped up. "We cannot rely on faulty technology."

She knew she was fighting a force to be reckoned with. It may not have been smart to push the Chancellor's buttons, but she couldn't stand around and silently accept a fate where every clone had a malfunctioning chip. The Chancellor folded his hands, a look of false concern plastering on his face. As he paced and acted like he actually cared about the chips, he said, "And we're positive this has nothing to do with a virus?"

"No." answered Nala Se. "We still do not know for sure what caused clone trooper Tup to kill. We only know that his chip failed and now this clone has removed his own chip, which makes him a risk to himself and others." (Y/n) had to remind herself that she was a Jedi. "Fives is not a risk." she flatly said. "You simply cannot make assumptions based on information you yourself do not know to fully be true."

The Chancellor worriedly looked between Fives and (Y/n). 

"Sir," Fives said, "they're covering something up, I know it. If it's not them, it's a Separatist plot. They used this chip against us to make us more violent than less. That's why Tup killed General Tiplar." Fives wasn't telling the Chancellor what happened anymore, he was asking him to open his eyes and understand what others could not. 

He was desperate.

"A Separatist plot from before the war even started? That seems unlikely. Don't you agree Master Shaak Ti, Padawan (Y/n) (L/n)?" Shaak Ti placed a hand to her chin in thought. "It does Chancellor. It seems very unlikely."
"And what if it isn't?" (Y/n) inquired, knitting her brows together in frustration. She didn't feel sick anymore, nor did her shoulders feel heavy.

Everything was clear now, she had the Force was guiding her. "In war, there are no winners or losers, only survivors. We cannot take a leap of faith and hope that this is a virus rather than a plot to, say, kill all the Jedi." That seemed to tick off the Chancellor. His nostrils flared and for a moment, (Y/n) thought he'd order his guard to arrest her. 

"That is impossible." Nala Se interjected. "What we have here is a simple malfunction to a clone's inhibitor chip caused by the virus, Separatist plot or not." The Chancellor composed himself and took place of a mediator. "Perhaps it would be best if clone trooper Fives and Padawan (L/n) discuss this without your presence." Shaak Ti knitted her brows together and placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Chancellor, I must object. (Y/n) is not well and is in much need of rest." 

"Please, Master Jedi." the Chancellor insisted. "We will be done before you know it. I want this soldier and Padawan here to feel they have a fair say in the matter." Shaak looked down at (Y/n) and gave her shoulder a good squeeze. "Once this is over, do you want to talk about anything?" she quietly inquired.

(Y/n) pursed her lips together before nodding. "Yes. I do." And so Shaak Ti exited the room with Nala Se in tow, leaving both (Y/n) and Fives to face the Chancellor alone.
"Now," the Chancellor said, "where were we?" An unsettling grin rested on his lips. (Y/n) inched towards Fives's side and closer to the nearest exit. His lips suddenly moved, but it was as if (Y/n) were stuck under a churning sea again. The waves lashed and pulled her under the bubbling blue before regurgitating her back on the shore. 

"Execute them."

The Chancellor's confession finally settled into her bones. (Y/n)'s hand landed on her lightsaber as Fives tackled the Chancellor to the ground. "Let me go!" he cried. (Y/n) focused on the Force. With a wave of her hand, she pushed the guards into a pile against the wall. As Fives snatched a blaster off the ground, (Y/n) ignited her lightsaber. A sudden thought crossed her mind. 

If I kill him now, the war will be over.
Her grip tightened around her lightsaber.

I can kill him now.

(Y/n)'s knuckles turned white.

I can kill him now.

She couldn't. It wasn't the Jedi way. With a loud whoosh, the doors slid open. No words were exchanged as Fives seized (Y/n) by the wrist and took off down the hall. He pushed past a few guards and continued pulling (Y/n) along with him. She deactivated her lightsaber, clipping it safely on her belt. 

"They tried to kill me!" the Chancellor shouted.

The duo elected to ignore the shouts of 'stop!' from behind. Nothing else mattered besides getting the heck out of the facility. (Y/n) spotted staircase that seemed to go on for miles. If this weren't such a serious situation, she would have smiled. "Don't scream." (Y/n) threw out her hands, running down the staircase as Fives free falled. With the help of the Force, he landed safely. (Y/n) jumped down, landing by his side. "Just like Skywalker." he grumbled. "Come on!" 
(Y/n) sensed her master on her tail as they plowed through medic workers and protocol droids. 

"Close the blast doors!" Shaak shouted. (Y/n) picked up her feet faster than she had ever done in her life. Fives followed her example, speeding ahead until he hopped through the closing doors. "Come on!" 
She was almost there.

One step, two steps, three...

Just one more...

She hopped through the blast doors, rolling to save herself from a terrible fall. They continued down the front steps, this time towards the glowing sights of Coruscant, where trouble would inevitably await.

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