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As they grew by, and Win started to crawl around and mumble non-sense, Bright is still there watching him with sparkling eyes. Whatever the younger does, Bright likes it.

Without even knowing to themselves, they both have created a bond that is just as precious as any jewel out there.

"Mummy, Winnie is here!" - Bright shouts as he sees Anya walking with Win in her arms inside their home.

He hurriedly goes inside to the living room and spreads a soft white bedspread on the ground so that the baby wouldn't feel cold from the marble floor.

As Kulap and Anya sit on the sofa, Bright lies down dramatically, taking Win in his arms and places him softly on the floor.

"Hi, bunny" - Bright smiles widely at the small baby that is looking back at him with the same curious eyes and a bright smile.

"H-hi" - a soft honey-like voice speaks and Bright smiles so wide at that. Win has just spoke to him. The elders look with shock in their eyes. 

"Auntie, has Winnie spoke that already?" - Bright asks and his mother says no.

Anya rushes to her child, holds him  up and Win giggles at the way she lifts him. She lifts him up and coos at him. Win looks down at Bright and giggles more loudly.

Bright's all time favorite is now Win's giggles, and that's just how Bright became the recipient of Win's first words.


So you liked how they both are?

Guys chapters now are short because still the story hasn't really started. 

It is the base for their relationship and to set the story, and so these are just snippets.

As chapters pass by, the story will get longer :)

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