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Win's naïveté means that he wasn't expecting it to be quite so difficult.

Being the only 'out' homosexual couple in the school proves to be one of the hardest tasks either boys have come across, but they are determined to make it work. Win suggests pretending to break up but realizes that it was a stupid idea when Bright explains that they'd have to keep away from one another at all times.

They hold back on the 'lovey-dovey' stuff in school anyway, which does cut down the number of daily degrading comments slightly, but they are always there, lingering.

One improvement is that neither of them are physically harmed – until a month later, when Tay finds Win cowering against some lockers in the Maths block, holding his books to his chest with sheets scattered around him, pain throbbing at the back of his head where he was pushed into the metal object.

Overall, the first term is a terrible time for them, but their relationship stays strong throughout, as does their friendship with Saint, Zee, Tay and New, who all support them.


Win can't wait for the Christmas holidays – and Bright's birthday.

Bright has another party this year, and even though it should be a bigger celebration since it's his eighteenth, he only has a small get together with his close friends, as he isn't quite sure who he'd want at his house after all that's been happening lately.

They spend most of the evening sitting around and talking – even drinking some alcohol – until Saint is tipsy enough to request that they play a game of spin-the-bottle. Everyone complains until Saint tells them he'll stop nagging once everyone's had a turn.

"Fine," Bright says, putting an empty bottle of the drink in the center of the circle they're sat in, pulling Win slightly closer under his arm without thinking. "As long as you go first," he adds, tilting his can of cider in Saint's direction.

"Okay," Saint replies enthusiastically, reaching for the bottle and spinning it with one finger.

It lands on Tay, who immediately blushes. (Being the only completely sober participant of this 'game' made him slightly nervous.)

"Come here then." Saint grins and crawls across the circle, pecking Tay on the corner of his mouth. Tay nods, clears his throat and turns a slightly darker shade of red.

The game goes on in a similar way – each person finds themselves clambering across to different sides of the circle and pecking another on the lips (apart from when New got Tay, which resulted in a slightly less 'friendly' kiss). It goes on longer than just each person having a turn, mainly because the bottle never lands on Bright.

It's Zee's turn, and he pushes the bottle until it rotates and ends up facing Win. He laughs at Saint's reaction of mock horror before leaning across to kiss the boy.

"Please make it land on me," Bright mutters in his ear as Win reaches for the bottle and spins it, laughing softly at his boyfriend's comment. It misses Bright by a mere degree and lands on Win himself; Bright whines indignantly.

"Go on, give yourself a good snog," Saint jokes, laughing at himself.

Win rolls his eyes and goes to grab the bottle again, before Bright pulls him back.

"Or let me do the honors," he says, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips before rushing them to Win's. The younger boy gasps in surprise, and Bright takes that as an opportunity to sneak his tongue into Win's mouth.

Win hears Tay clearing his throat in amongst Saint's comments of, "I knew this would end up in someone having a snogfest."

"Yeah, and I knew it would be those two," New mumbles.

Win pulls away to breathe and looks towards the rest of his friends as Bright leaves soft kisses along his cheek to his ear. "I believe we've each had a turn n-now." He trips over his words when Bright bites his earlobe. Bright chuckles and lets go, pulling Win under his arm once again and smiling against his temple.


The rule this Christmas is 'no romantic gifts allowed'. Bright says that the romantic gifts should be saved for their anniversary, which they had planned for January second, so Win is pretty stuck. He'd given Bright a homemade coupon for one free movie and one free meal from P.F. Chang's – however much Bright told him he shouldn't – for his birthday, so he couldn't do anything like that for Christmas. 

He already knows what he is doing for the anniversary present, but he just can't think for Christmas. Eventually, he gives in and logs onto his computer to make Bright a disc of songs he had liked this year, using an idea that had been done before, but at least it was a little different.

From: Brightie :) <3

Can I have a clue? ;) xxxxx

To: Brightie :) <3

No chance! xxxx

As Win goes to put his phone back down on the desk, he is suddenly given a burst of inspiration. He jumps up from his seat and starts scrabbling around underneath the bed, trying to find his old sketchbook from when he used to do Art.

He eventually finds it, in a box of all his old schoolbooks, and pulls it out, smiling as he sees many clear, A3 sheets of thick, off-white paper. Perfect, he thinks.


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