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Bright kisses him forcefully, their tongues tangling almost straight away as he presses him against the wall.

The younger boy drags his hand up Bright's spine before knotting his fingers in his feathery hair and Bright keeps Win close with a hand on the lapel of his blazer, tugging him closer every now and again.

Win can feel a fizzing in his stomach and the familiar tingling on his lips he gets whenever he kisses his boyfriend.

"Brightie," he murmurs as Bright begins kissing across his cheek to his ear, where he pulls the lobe into his mouth, nibbling it gently. "Bright, you can't..."

Bright stops nibbling and pauses before whispering, "Can't I?"

Win shivers slightly in Bright's arms before dragging his face back so their lips can meet again.

About five minutes later, they take a break from kissing and just sit on the bottom step of the staircase, with Bright's arms wrapped around the younger boy, alternating between gentle words and soft kisses.

"Thank you for my birthday party, Brightie," Win murmurs against Bright's shoulder.

Bright chuckles and strokes Win's hair away from his face. "Wasn't just for your birthday."

"What else then?"

"I don't know if you remember honeybun, but we've officially been together for a month today," Bright explains.

Win raises a hand to Bright's cheek and slaps it softly. "God, you're a sap," he says, before leaning up to press his lips carefully to his boyfriend's.

Just as Win moves his hands up to Bright's neck, Bright freezes.

"Shit, someone's coming," he whisper-shouts, and Win hears the footsteps approaching the door.

The boys quickly rearrange themselves, moving so they're sat on opposite sides of the step; Win shakes his head out to neaten up his hair from where Bright had been running his hands through it.

"Boys! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in class in less than a minute."

Mrs. Arti – the ethics teacher – has always been a favorite teacher of Win's, as she is often quite nice and doesn't set much homework, but now she seems to be glaring at his boyfriend in a manner which makes him dislike her a bit.

"Win, I thought you were better than this!" she scolds gently. "I sincerely hope that Bright here isn't being a bad influence on you."

Win shakes his head forcefully and sees Bright flash him a grateful smile in the corner of his eye. They then seem to snap into action as they jump up from their seats, pick up their bags from the floor and straighten their outfits (Mrs. Arti frowns at the sight of Win's skewed school tie).

"I'm sorry, Miss," Win apologizes. "I'll just be going to my lesson, then." He pauses before adding, "See you later, Bright."

Win looks back over his shoulder briefly once he has opened the door, giving Bright a weak wave before sprinting to Physics and letting the door fall closed behind him.


The remainder of the school year passes this way, with hidden kisses and concealed phones sending secret texts from under desks. The boys also try and see each other as much as they can – within reason – outside of school.

Tuesdays and Fridays, Bright has football, and Wednesdays Win has started guitar club, so they spend Mondays at Win's house and Thursdays at Bright's, the weekends tend to alternate between the two, and they exchange raised eyebrows when their parents suggest sleepovers.

Bright helps Win revise for the few exams he has at the end of his first year, and the two of them sit at the table in one of their dining rooms for hours on end, looking over science textbooks and revision guides.

This often ends up being more of a hindrance than a help, as Bright can be quite distracting and they normally end up snogging, losing track of time and having to pull away in a panic if a family member comes anywhere near them.

In turn, Win tries to help Bright practice football when they visit the field, but the problem is that Win is terrible at football, resulting in the whole thing being a pretty pointless exercise.

In May, they attend the concert that Win bought the tickets for, and both boys can easily say it is one of the best nights ever. They're in the standing area and aren't very far from the front as they jump around madly and dance with one another.

Win can't quite believe that when he originally won the tickets in an auction– he wasn't expecting to be slow dancing with his boyfriend at the concert when a ballad came on.

Not long after the end of the school year, they decide to tell their friends and family – friends first, 'because it's easier', according to Bright.

They invite everyone round for a 'little get together' – everyone being New, Tay, Zee and Saint – and put out food and drinks while planning what they're going to say.

At three o'clock, when they know that their guests will be arriving soon, they enter the kitchen to get glasses for the drinks, and Win's hand accidentally brushes against Bright's as they reach up to the cupboard at the same time, resulting in ridiculous banter between the two of them and ending in Bright cornering Win against the counter and forcing their lips together.

Their guests choose that moment to enter the kitchen – without knocking.

New and Tay are slightly surprised, but supportive, Zee is generally so cool about it all he seems as if he's known since the beginning and Saint insists that he can still predict the future.


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Anyway, pls guys stay safe now that everyone are being regular outside :)

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