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Bright looks after Win as much as he can for his first day at secondary school. Seventh graders normally have 'partners' from eighth grade, but Bright talks to his grade teacher and Win's so he can be Win's 'partner'.

Win thoroughly enjoys year seven, apart from the large amount of homework, and getting used to having different teachers for every lesson. He is always extremely grateful for Saint's company in all of his lessons because otherwise, he struggles to make friends in his year.

Most first years would be bothered by not particularly fitting in, but he doesn't mind, as long as he sees Bright at lunchtime.

On Win's first day, Bright introduces him and Saint to his friends, Tay and, New, and from there, the five of them - along with Korn - spend time with each other every lunchtime. You wouldn't really think that it would work, two seventh graders hanging around with four ninth graders, but it does.

And Win and Bright text each other all of the time.


In the summer of that year, when Bright is fourteen and Win is twelve, they - along with Korn, Saint, and Tay - plan a surprise birthday party for New. New has always hated having a summer birthday because it meant that he was quite a bit younger than the others in their year, but they decide to change that, by taking advantage of the lighter nights and the fact that Bright has a massive grass field beyond his back garden.

It took some persuasion from the parents, but eventually, everything was sorted out, and they set up a tent in the field so the six of them could have a big camp-out to celebrate.

While Win, Bright, Saint, and Korn finish off setting up, Tay is in charge of getting New to them.

"What if Tay can't convince him?" Win asks.

"Trust me, Tay can always convince New."

Win isn't sure what that could mean, but Bright is right - ten minutes later Tay texts them, saying that he and New are on their way and will be about ten minutes.

Win ducks down behind the wind-break, and he hears Saint shuffling into the tent, where Korn is hidden behind a chair just inside the entrance. When Bright plops down beside Win after turning off the battery-powered iPod dock, Win grins at him.

Bright winks back and peeks around the corner, waiting to see the two approaching silhouettes. About six minutes later, when he sees them, he hides behind the windbreak again and hisses:

"They're on their way guys!"

Everyone freezes and waits patiently until they hear New talking.

"What's this? I didn't think people camped out here..."


Everyone jumps out from their hiding places and smiles at New who is stood with a hand on his heart.

"God guys, you scared the life out of me!"


"Dance with me Winnie!"

Bright was in his kind of hyped-up 'party mood' and whenever he's like that, he always wants to dance.

"I can't dance!"

Sadly for Win, Bright never wants to dance on his own.

"Come on!" Bright pulls Win up onto his feet and onto the bit of grass in the middle of all of the chairs.

Win groans. "I don't want to dance, Brightie"

Bright pouts. "But I love this song!"

Win sighs. "Fine." He doesn't admit aloud that this is one of his favorite songs too.

Bright grabs both of his hands and starts pulling him round in a circle, moving in little jumps to the beat of the song. He lets go of one of Win's hands and spins him around.

Saint is laughing and clapping as they bounce around in a not exactly graceful manner. He is their only audience member, as Tay, New, and Korn are inside the tent playing Cheat with the pack of cards Korn brought along.

"See, you can dance!" Bright says, just before Win stumbles and nearly falls face-first into the cool box.

Luckily, Bright's reactions aren't bad, and he grabs Win's waist before he loses his balance completely. When Win is pulled back into a warm chest which he knows to be Bright's, he grins.


The story's main is starting ❤

Hope you all will like it from here :)

From Day 1 ❦ BrightWin ✔Where stories live. Discover now