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Thank you for 6K readzz lovely honeybees 💕

Win swallows and swallows many times, trying to clear the uncomfortable lump in his throat. Every possible emotion fills his entire being and he can't quite control himself. A silly part of him hopes Bright's other party is close enough so that if he went up to the roof and screamed "YES BRIGHT CHIVAREE, LET ME LOVE YOU!" Bright would hear him.

Another part is just praying he sees Bright tonight so he can snog his face off.

A pathetic part feels like he might be in love already.

Can he go and get drunk and mumble to everyone about 'his Bright? (Too young.)

Can he run out onto the street with no guidance and find 'his Bright? (Too dumb.)

His thoughts are soon running away from him and the only thing there to show Jiya that he is still conscious is the blinding smile appearing on his face.

"Uh, Win?" Jiya waves a hand in front of his eyes.

"Hey, Jiya. You okay?" Win says brightly.

"Are you drunk?" she asks nervously.

There's a moment before Win shakes his head. "Maybe it's the nail varnish fumes."


"I'm a prisoner!"

When Win announces this, he is told to stop being so dramatic and go and sit on the sofa with the 'other children'. He snorts and flounces away to flop down onto the floor, because fuck it; he doesn't have to do what his mum says.

He knows that he shouldn't have had numerous sips of the stupid drink that Manu had offered him just before she left; he is such a lightweight – tipsy after one Alcopop.

Even though he's not tipsy; he just likes to think that he is. It makes him sound more 'grown up'. He wishes that he could wear a neon sign around his neck that says, 'I'm tipsy' ('and Bright loves me').

Being a 'prisoner', however, made him feel quite a bit more childish.

You see, he had asked his mum – nicely, may he add – whether he could go to the party Bright was at, because he needed to talk to him. Anu simply said no and wouldn't listen to Win's whines of protest.

So now he's stuck here, in the living room with a load of half-asleep kids – all of them below the age of ten.

At least he's older than them.


"Half an hour to go guys! Thirty minutes until midnight!"

Everyone starts moving outside, where a portable telly has been set up just outside the kitchen window, showing Bangkok on New Year's. Everyone at the party also has a Chinese lantern to release at midnight, each with their resolutions attached.

Win stares at them all lined up, trying to think about what his resolution could be. He sips his cherryade in thought, constantly looking to the door behind him in hope that Bright will return.

After the twelfth time, he decides to stop torturing himself.

To: Brightie :)

From Day 1 ❦ BrightWin ✔Where stories live. Discover now