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Win and Saint eventually venture back inside, where Tay, New, and Zee are in the kitchen, holding drinks and talking quietly.

"Hey! You've been out there for a while. What's up?" New comments.

"We've just been discussing the BrightWin wedding," Saint says casually.

"What? Have I missed something here?" Tay asks.

"Well, we-" Win starts.

"Win and Bright kissed!" Saint interrupts excitedly in an over-exaggerated whisper.

Soon Win is dragged into a massive group hug by everyone in the kitchen, including Saint, who bounds in next to Zee.

"What happens now? Aren't you going to go through there and ask him to dance or something?" Tay says.

"More like snog his face-off," New counters.

"I think he's done that already." Saint smirks.

"Exactly how much did you see Saint?" Win questions warily.

"Enough." Saint grins.

"Anyway, what are you going to do Win? There's-" Tay suddenly stops speaking.

"There's what?"

"Well it appears that Bright has invited the guys he plays football with...and that includes Korn," New provides.

"He's invited Korn?" Saint says, annoyed.

"Yeah... he shouldn't bother you though. It'll be fine." Tay reassures the other two boys.

"I can't exactly go in there and... act 'coupley' then, can I?" Win sighs, sitting down at the table and resting his chin on his palms. "May as well just stay in here for the rest of the night."

"Don't be a drama queen, Winnie. I say you go in there and drag Bright onto the dance floor like he always does with you, and-"

"Grind on him until he comes in his pants." Saint finishes New's sentence, and after a beat, New nods in approval. Win pulls a face which practically mirrors Tay and Zee's disgruntled expressions.

"And, to go against my wonderful boyfriend here," Zee throws a fake smile in Saint's direction, who shrugs innocently, "I say you go in there, sit with us and enjoy yourself. If he doesn't come over, well so what? You can talk later, right?"

Win thinks it over for a moment before standing up, grabbing a plastic cup from the side and drinking its contents - ignoring New's sound of protest - before walking through to the living room.

It is busy.

There are four girls stood on the makeshift 'dance floor' dancing and chatting to each other, two other girls sat on the window seat with cups in their hands, and a group of boys sat on the floor and on the sofa, all of them surrounding Bright.

Basically, there is nowhere for the rest of them to sit.

New places his hands on Win's shoulder and guides him to the free corner, which is practically opposite where all of the football boys are sat on the sofas. Win sits right in the corner, with New and Tay to his left, Zee and Saint to his right.

"So you know some of these people?" Win asks.

"I know names and faces." Tay shrugs.

"And I know that a few of them are complete and utter twats," New adds.

Win looks at New, questioning with his eyes, but New waves it off, saying that it's nothing. He explains that the girls sat on the and the four girls on the dance floor are from the year below.

From Day 1 ❦ BrightWin ✔Where stories live. Discover now